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Christmas is annual Christian celebration that happens on the 25th of December to mark the birth of Jesus Christ. Igbo people, being mostly Christians are used to celebrating it in a big way and with their extended families.
To the Igbo, the celebration begins a few weeks before Christmas and ends few days after the new year. During this season ndigbo living outside their traditional Igbo land begin their homecoming while those at home prepare to welcome them. Apart from the feeling of seeing ones loved ones and connecting with them, Some of the things that make a community very alive and lively during this season are the yearly football competition aimed at uniting the villages that make up the community, the musics, the traditional dances, the masquerade festivals, masquerade run, early morning parades and cross country run, the traditional marriage ceremonies, and community meeting. As someone who has traveled through the length and breadth of Awgu during christmas season in the last ten years i will be sharing Top 10 Most Lively Towns in Awgu LGA During Christmas season..
1. Mgbowo:
Located in the southern part of Awgu Local Government Area, Enugu State. Mgbowo is situated along the Enugu-Port Harcourt Express road. Although i haven’t been to all the villages that make up the community but one of the most astonishing thing about this community is the turnout during the christmas football match, not minding the community that is playing, something i have never witnessed anywhere else in Awgu. Visit Mgbowo During christmas and feel the spirit of the season, the spirit of love, oneness, togetherness, something i hope hasn’t died in them.
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2. Agwu:
Located in the southern part of Awgu Local Government Area, Awgu, which is also the Headquarters of Awgu Local Government Area didn’t make this list as one of the most lively town in Awgu during Christmas because of the town football match as i have never witnessed it.. But Awgu has always been a very lively town, not only that the Town is the headquarter of the Local Government, it is also Headquarters of Awgu Catholic Diocese, The Orientation Training Centre for National Youth Service corps members and has the most popular market the in whole Local Government (Orio Awgu). Seeing how alive the town is during the day while taking a ride around put it as one of the most lively in Awgu.
3. Mmaku:
Located in the southern part of Awgu Local Government Area, Just like Mgwowo, mmaku use to have one of the most talked about Christmas football tournament in Awgu, the hotness of their tournament make people from the neighbouring community to drive down to mmaku to watch their match. Although mmaku is not as lively as it use to be when Ajaba in Ezioha mmaku use to be the center of activity in the community.. Apart from the football tournament which is no more as entertaining as it use to be, there are some other activities that still gives the town the felling of the season.
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4. Agbogugu:
Located in northern part of Awgu Local Government Area, Just like Awgu, Agbogugu is like a town that never sleeps, lived in this town for close to two years but even though i don’t usually celebrate Christmas in the town and haven’t visited the town during Christmas in the past few years but reuniting with my old time friends has make me realize that Agbogugu has not lost it Christmas spirit as the town is as lively, even more lively as it used to be.
5. Ihe:
Driving down to my hometown each Christmas season, the liveliness in Ihe gives me the feeling of the season, the truth is that i haven’t toured Ihe as much as i have toured most of the towns In Awgu but it seems i know Ihe more than i know most towns towns In Awgu, basically because i pass through the town almost all the time.. Just like every other town, Ihe organises a football tournament each Christmas season and judging by the turnout each year, the tournament seems to be one of the most entertaining around the towns in the northern part of the Local Government. Aside the Christmas tournament, Some of the things that keep the town hot and lively includes, The Ada Ihe beauty pageant, the masquerade and others.
6. Isu Awaa:
Located in northern part of Awgu Local Government Area, one of the things that interest me the most about this town is the topography and beauty of the town, Most of the town in Awgu can be described as a sleepy town all year round except during the festive season but that can not be said about Isu Awaa, I haven’t been to isu Awaa during Christmas season but if most of my friends who are not from Isu Awaa can attest to the liveliness of the town during Christmas season, am sure Isu Awaa will be as hot and lively as they said. Aside most of the activities that goes on in the town during the season, their annually Endurance trekking which takes place during Christmas will be my reason for visiting Isu Awaa next Christmas.
7. Owelli:
Popularly referred to as owelli court, owelli is located in the northern part of Awgu Local Government Area. What else can make a town more lively then coming home to the melodious tone of ogene. Owelli is just a stone’s throw from my hometown, we frequent the town as though it is ours, most of the joints in the town are kept alive by both the indigenes of the town and people from the neighboring communities.. Aside other fun activities that goes on in the town, ogene tone seems to be the soul of owelli during the season.
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8. Ugbo:
Ugbo is a hill town Located in northern part of Awgu Local Government Area, until recently, Christmas as seen in other places is different from what is seen in ugbo aside the joy of seeing ones loved ones and enjoying the beautiful landmark of the town, some of the things seen in other communities as fun is seen in ugbo as a crime. some of the law that were meant to keep the young ones in check prevented them from having fun and enjoying the season. Although just like every other town, ugbo organises a football tournament for each of the three villages that make up the town but one of the major reasons why ugbo is not as hot and lively as other town during the season is because of the towns Aju festival which attracts more visitor to the town.
9. Ituke:
Located in northern part of Awgu Local Government Area, ituku is a small but one of the most popular town in Awgu, christmas season in Ituku is not too different from what you see in most towns, the liveliness of Ituku doesn’t just come from Ituku unity cup but from other activities that keep the town alive during the season but my most favorite is the masquerade festival. ITUKU masquerade festival.
10. Ugwueme:
Ugwueme is a hill town, located in the southern part of Awgu Local Government Area, Although i haven’t spend much town in Ugwueme but a little stroll around the beautiful hill town gave me the feeling of what the liveliness of the town is like. Just like most town, Ugwueme also organises a Christmas football tournament, but am saddened by the fact the the football activity isn’t as hot and interesting as it use to be.