Igboist Kitchen contest Winners with their dishes “Abacha”

Voting has finally ended and winners has been selected, wish to read about the contest and how to prepare abacha please click on this  link  or click here. Out of about 100 plus submissions 23 made it to the final state, two out of the twenty three dishes where not prepared with a proper ingredients so the dished will not be displayed here for obvious reasons.

This addition of Igboist kitchen was sponsored by OluebubeChukwu Floxx Ezeunara. and organized by Mmasinachi Jenny Emoka‎.

abacha by igboist kitchen
The winning dish with 4.9k votes


abacha by igboist kitchen
2.8k votes
abacha by igboist kitchen
2.8k votes
abacha by igboist kitchen
2k votes
abacha by igboist kitchen
2k votes
abacha by igboist kitchen
1.6 votes
abacha by igboist kitchen
1.5k votes
Igboist Kitchen contest Winners with their dishes "Abacha"
1.3k votes
Igboist Kitchen contest Winners with their dishes "Abacha"
1,3k votes
Igboist Kitchen contest Winners with their dishes "Abacha"
1.2k votes

This is a weekly contest and the sponsorship is open to anyone. more will be coming your way from from our food section and Igboist Kitchen.

24 thoughts on “Igboist Kitchen contest Winners with their dishes “Abacha”

  • Looking at all of this food is making me feel very hungry, some tasty looking dishes x

  • I can tell you now, that I’m glad I’ve eaten my dinner already! Those dishes look so good I could reach through the screen and grab them!

  • Wow, those dishes all look incredible and they are so beautifully prepared too. I could only dream of making something this good!

  • NAthan

    Oh wow that is a lot of dishes for an event. Congrats on winning the event and the food looks delicious.

  • That a lot on a plate to eat for one person . Must be really hard to choose winner of the contest . All looks so delicious and yum.

  • Our Family World

    It looks like all the food groups are represented in each plate. This is an interesting dish to try. They all look good!

  • All the dishes look mouthwatering really difficult to choose the winner… Congrats on winning the event

  • Rye Santiago

    Those dishes look so decadent! I love the fact that they have so many vegetables and herbs. 🙂

  • Blair Villanueva

    Upon seeing these foods, all I could think of is lots of beers to pair this food 😀
    Look delicious and me likey!

  • Wow! All those dishes look so fabulous and inviting, I can tell how much effort has gone into putting those up. Congrats to all the winners, well deserved!

  • Pingback: Be the judge ''Ofe Onugbo'' Igboist battle of chefs - Outravelandtour

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