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BOWER’S TOWER, Ibadan, Oyo State.
The tower is 60 feet high and 11 feet square with two entrances and a simple 47 step stairs winding up to the top. The stairway is narrow, dark and enclosed..
Popularly called Oke Layipo by the locals, Bowers tower was built in 1836 in honour of Captain Robert Lister Bower(the first British resident in Ibadan) and is located in Oke-Are(the highest of the 7 hills that make up Ibadan.
Was designed by Taffy Jones(the engineer that designed Mapo Hall, which is also on the same axis as the Tower)
The view is always better from the top is what happens here, as you get to see the aerial view of the ancient city of Ibadan, you may also identify popular places like cocoa house, Adamasinga Stadium, Mukola flyover and the likes.
There are a few sitouts in the compound where you will occassionally find people hanging out.
The road to this place is through a rough suburb of the city up the hill. The houses here can be as old as the city and entirely mud, a few with cement, and they all share something in common; colourful conference of rustic BROWN METAL ROOFS which covers a larger percentage of the buildings in the city🤗🤗🤗
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Written by: Officialtourbuddy
University Of Ibadan Zoological Garden
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