Igbo Soup, How to prepare Ofe Nsala ”Nsala Soup”.

Ofe Nsala (Nsala Soup)

Ofe Nsala is a very mouth-watering white soup indigenous to the people of Eastern and Riverline areas of Nigeria. ofe nsala is very tasty and quite easy to make, ofe nsala is mainly prepared for nursing mothers although its open to every one, this delicacy is traditionally made without the use of palm oil as compared to other Igbo soups that require red palm oil as one of its main ingredients. The total absence of the palm oil is what makes this dish so appealing to new mothers.

Igbo Soup, How to prepare Ofe Nsala ''Nsala Soup''.
Nsala Soup

Recipe for Nsala Soup. This recipe differs depending on what you choose to prepare your Nsala Soup with, but for this particular Nsala, below are all you then for a mouth watering soup “Nsala Soup”

Anu Efi (cow meat)
Afo anu
Fresh fish
Uziza seed
Knorr cube
salt and
Of course water

Igbo Soup, How to prepare Ofe Nsala ''Nsala Soup''.
Washed and cooked my stockfish, seasoned my meat with pepper, Salt and knorr seasoning and then parboiled it. After that, added the stockfish to the meat, washed the dry fish with hot water and added it as well. after boiling for a while i peeled and added my yam, follows by other ingredients like, cube of knorr, little salt, crayfish, my grinded uziza and uda then covered it to cook for a while. When the yam has softeded, brought it out, pounded it and put it back to the pot, “yam serves as a tickner”. After adding the yam, cover the pot and allow to boil for some minutes, probably four to six minutes by then the yam must have dissolved, taste to confirm if everything is to your taste and if it is, Then steer and bring it down. Then your ofe nsala is good to go

Igbo Soup, How to prepare Ofe Nsala ''Nsala Soup''.

After the cooking, serve with pounded yam, fufu, semolina, semovita or any other form of swallow.

Igbo Soup, How to prepare Ofe Nsala ''Nsala Soup''.
Ofe Nsala Served With Semovita

Quite easy right? Ever tasted or prepared Nsala soup before? Did you make some modifications of your own? Share with us your thought via comments below.

19 thoughts on “Igbo Soup, How to prepare Ofe Nsala ”Nsala Soup”.

  • I haven’t tasted it before but I think I have tasted that white thing. Is it called Sadsa? I have friends from Zimbabwe who make it too. Does it also have tripe in the dish?

  • Oh wow! I’m nursing right now, so maybe I should make some of this. What a neat recipe!

  • This dish is totally new to me. I had never heard of Nsala Soup before reading this post. This should be interesting for me to try out and experience a true taste of Nigeria.

  • I am always interested in new foods, especially foods from other countries. I would give this a whirl!

  • Annemarie LeBlanc

    I never heard of this kind of soup before. It does look like it is a really flavorful soup. I have to try this recipe sometime.

  • Oh I love that soup. But I think it will be difficult to find the ingredients here in Philippines.

  • I’ve never heard of Ofe Nsala soup before and today I learned something new about this recipe. This soup looks incredibly delicious and sounds healthy for the new moms!

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