National Museum of Unity Enugu

The National Museum of Unity Enugu is located in GRA Enugu along Abakaliki road, near Ogui junction and the Old Governor’s Lodge. The museum is replete with rich historical artifacts, models, statues and works of art from various parts of the country.

The National museum of unity Enugu comprises of three different galleries.
1. Nigerian Believe system. Unity gallery
2. Igbo gallery
3. Coal city gallery
And Opens between Monday and Friday from 9:00 am – 5:00pm.
At the Nigerian Believe system. Unity gallery, There are displays about the cultural artifacts(kingship and royalty, life, death and fertility) of various Nigerian tribes such as Ikenga, dakakari, baka, Waja figurine from Gombe state , Iyalode from Abeokuta, ogboni from Abia state, karikpo from Ogoni, Yoruba Ewu ogun, linzani from Niger State. Ebi aka from Mbaise, Ikoko sango god of thunder, Igbo Ukwu bronze Art, Head of Oba Ob Benin, Efeji From Yoruba Land, Yankari Pot from Kebbi, Oko Ritual canoe, Igbo Ikenga and many others.
While at Igbo world view Galary there typical Igbo native house display, depicting precolonial Igbo Architecture, giving insight about Igbo Architecture and thing mostly found in the house of An Igbo man. The Mbari House and arts found in the Mbari house, Ceremonial items and Igbo musical instruments such as jigida, igba, ogene, oyo, ichaka, osha, opi, okike and many more other. The Ikenga, Ijele, and some other Igbo Masquerades, Oke Egwu Ikenga, Igbo musical instrument, The Okike, The Agwu Figure, Ite Ola Okike, deities and divination in Igbo Land among others

The Last Gallery in the Museum is the coal city gallery where you will learn about the City of Enugu, how the City Of Enugu came into existence and how coal was discovered in the city, the early struggles and others, will you also have the opportunity to see coal and how it is mined, and Photos of both past and present leaders among other things.

At the Museum, Cameras, phones or any recording equipment are not allowed during the museum tour so its advisable to come along with writing materials in other to jot somethings down

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