Nike Art Gallery

I used to think Nikeartgallery was some kinda place that isnt real. Owing to the fact that I grew up in Enugu knowing Nikelakeresortenugu.

With lots and lots of post on social media, I just couldn’t wait to visit this Art gallery especially knowing the two Nikes’ art not affiliated, neither are they related to Nike

The trip to this Gallery was good, although I didn’t know what to expect. Interesting enough, I forgot my camera battery. On getting there, I realized I needed to record the session from the guide.

I quickly jumped a bike to the nearest co outer village paying almost N3,000 to go buy a battery of N8,000 😔😟😟😟

Quickly as I could with the biker man, we got back there. I paid the fare and dashed into the building. The entrance wasn’t anymore admired and appreciated as I was in a hurry to meet up. I ran upstairs also missing a lot of details on my way up.

When I opened the door to the section where the guide was talking, he was in his last statements. 😪😪😪😰😰😰
I missed all the stories and ideas behind the most beautiful art piece and Gallery in Nigeria by Nigerians.

I finally helped myself with all the other details and a good picture too.

Have you been to Nikeartgallery
What was the most fascinating moment for you?

Written by: Officialtourbuddy


University Of Ibadan Zoological Garden

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