The Ezeagu Waterfall

Obinofia Ndiuno should be one of the most popular tourist destination in Enugu State, Located in Ezeagu Local Government Area. For Years, the Obinofia Ndiuno Community has been popular especially to students and picnic lovers who visit in large numbers to have fun.

Ezeagu Waterfall

The community is blessed with one of the most magnificent caves in Enugu State, Ezeagu cave. Iheneke Lake, a waterfall, and a picturesque landscape all make up the community.


The most popular and the most visited for tourists is the Ezeagu Waterfall known as ”Ogbagada” with the warm and cold Spring known as Okpoku.


The Ezeagu water rushes down the cliff with thunderous sound that attracts attention from some metres away. The fall has a special ability to signal the beginning of the dry season through an unusual loud noise. Both Ogbagada waterfall and Okpoku warm and cold spring are popular picnic arena for fun lovers. Obinofia Ndiuno community is a place for those who are adventurous.


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