Waterfalls in Nigeria and their Locations

Few weeks back i published a post where i wrote about Top 10 Most Popular Waterfalls in Nigeria, even though those seems to be some of the most popular, there are still lots of well known and less know waterfall across many sates in Nigeria. I have always wanted to put up a comprehensive list of all the waterfalls in Nigeria but i don’t think that can be possible at the moment but as time goes on and as we keep discovering more i will try as much as possible to update the list. But so far, this is still the most comprehensive list of waterfall in Nigeria you will see online. So if you are looking for a waterfall to take your next adventure or picnic to, this post is going to help you in choosing your next destination.

Also See: 15 Most Popular and Magnificent Waterfalls in Nigeria

  1. Erin-Ijesha Waterfall.

Erin-Ijesha waterfall also know as Olumirin Waterfalls is one of the most visited tourist attraction in Osun State. Located in Oriade local government area of Osun State, The Waterfall which is said to have been discovered around 1140 AD is an ideal spot for lovers of tourism.

Waterfalls in Nigeria and their Location

2. Agbokim Waterfall.

Located in Etung local government area of Cross River State in south-southern Nigeria. Agbokim waterfalls is one of the most popular waterfall in Nigeria, The waterfalls is about 15 km from Ikom and 320 km from Calabar and located very close to Nigerians border with Cameroon.

All Waterfalls in Nigeria

3. Gurara waterfall:

Gurara waterfall is the most popular waterfall in Niger State, located in Gurara, a local government area in Niger State. The waterfall has a width of about 200 meters and cascades down a decline of 30 meters during the rainy season, but the intensity of the waterfall reduces during the dry season when all rainfalls have ceased. The Gurara waterfall is about 3 kilometers off Minna-Suleja road and about 30 minutes drive from Abuja.

Popular Waterfalls in Nigeria

Also See: Top Ten Most Popular Lakes in Nigeria

4. Awhum waterfall:

The Awhum(Ohum) Waterfall  is the most popular waterfalls among all the waterfalls in Enugu State. Located at Amaugwe village in Awhum Town, Udi Local Government Area, Enugu State. The Awhum Waterfall is formed out of a massive outcrop of granite rock with water flow at the top forming a stream, the Waterfall is one of the most visited site in Enugu State, While some part of the waterfall is cold, some part is usually warm.

5. Matsirga Waterfalls:

Matsirga waterfall is one of the most majestic waterfalls in Nigeria, located in Kafanchan in Kaduna State of northern Nigeria. The waterfall source is from the springs of water above Kagoro hills. Matsirga Waterfalls is about 25 meters tall and falls into a large plunge pool at the bottom.

6. Owerre Ezukala Waterfall:

Owerre Ezukala Waterfall also known as Ogba Ukwu waterfall is one of  the tallest waterfall in South-Eastern Nigeria. The Waterfalls presents one of the greatest natural tourist attractions in Anambra State, The Ogbaukwu Waterfall is approximately 75 kilometres east of Onitsha and located in Owerre Ezeukala community that borders Abia, Enugu and Imo.

Popular Waterfalls in Nigeria

7. Kwa Fall:

Kwa waterfall is located in the Cross River National Park in Anegeje Village in Akamkpa Local Government Area, about 25 kilometers from Calabar the state’s capital. These are a well arranged staircase of 234 steps from the plane down to the rest place of the cloudy waters. The kwa fall is the most visited and most popular of all the waterfalls in cross river state due to its proximity to the state capital

Popular Waterfalls in Nigeria

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8. Ezeagu Waterfall:

Ogbagada waterfall popularly know as Ezeagu waterfall is one of the most popular waterfalls in Enugu, located within the Ezeagu tourist complex in Obinofia Ndiuno, the Ezeagu waterfall is at the lower end of the Okpoku Spring, a cold and worm spot with the Ogbagada river. Major activities with the waterfall is picnicking, swimming and fishing.

9. Ngwo Waterfall:

Ngwo Waterfall is located in Ngwo town, Enugu State. This enchanting waterfall dropping down from a small opening at the roof of the Ngwo cave forming a shallow pool at the cave floor and flows out as a small stream has over the year became a top destination in Enugu as tourist comes from far and near to behold the wonder of nature.

10. Arinta Waterfalls.

Arinta Waterfall is one of the many prides of Ekiti State.  The Arinta Waterfalls which is situated in Ipole-Iloro town, close to Ikogosi is about 10 – 15 minutes drive to Ikogosi warm spring Resort.  Arinta fall is surrounded by mini rocks and has seven distinct step-like falls.

Waterfalls in Nigeria and their Location

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11. Owu WaterFall:

The Owu waterfall is located in Ifelodun LGA of Kwara State of Nigeria and one of the most fascinating waterfall to visit in southwest Nigeria. This waterfall is noted to cascade about 330 feet onto a rocky outcrop of hills and lush vegetations that fascinate tourists.

12. Assop WaterFall:

Assop Falls is located at the base of Plateau state, about 70 km along Jos-Kagoro road. The Assop River supplies the water which the rapids and falls use. It feeds the natural vegetation of grasslands that extend into the gallery forests. The site is an area of Guinea Savanna and the vegetation comprises forests surrounded by grasslands. The Waterfall occurs naturally at the bottom of the famous Hawan Kibo.

13. Farin Ruwa Falls:

Farin ruwa meaning “white waters” in Hausa language is located at the boundary of Bokkos LGA in Plateau State and Wamba LGA of Nassarawa State of Nigeria. The Waterfall is about 120 kilometres away from Lafia, the capital city of Nasarawa State and about 160 kilometres from Abuja. Farin Ruwa is one of the most visited waterfall in Nigeria and a beauty to behold.

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14. Obudu waterfall:

Obudu waterfall is located within the Mountain of Obudu, the waterfall is one of the many attractions in the mountain. Although the obudu waterfall is not among the most popular waterfall in cross river or the most popular attractions in the Obudu Mountain but the fall presents a fascinating sight to tourists to the Mountain. The waterfall and its environs is a perfect place to relax and enjoy nature.

15. Barup waterfall:

Barup waterfall is the most popular waterfall in Taraba state and one one the most popular attraction in the state, it is located in Gembu area of the state, within the Gashaka-Gumti national park. Barup waterfall is a sight to behold as it plays host to thousands of visitors every year. The barup waterfall and its environs is a perfect place to relax and enjoy nature.

17. Osome Waterfall:

Osome Waterfall also Know as Upogo Waterfall or Okene Waterfal is located in Ukpogo, Okene local Government area of Kogi state. The Osome falls begins as a stream that winds its way through vast igneous rocks of varying heights and sharply descends into a valley about 50m below the towering rocks, producing thunderous sounds which could be heard about one hundred meters away. 

Osome Waterfall Okene Kogi state


18. Awlaw Waterfall:

Awlaw fall is one of the many but not well known waterfall in Enugu state, located in the town of Awlaw in Oji River, the Awlaw fall cascade down a rock with a height of about 3.4m close to Awlaw cave, the waterfall is about 15 to 20 minutes walk from the main road, the root to the waterfall is simply magical. a tour of Awlaw will not be complete without a visit to the waterfall. Click here to read our Awlaw tour:

Waterfalls in Nigeria and their Location

Also See: Top Ten Most Popular Lakes in South Eastern Nigeria

19. Opi waterfall:

Opi Waterfall is located in the town of opi in NsuKka, Enugu State, the Opi waterfall, also referred to as Uhere Waterfalls, is located within the opi cave and opi lake system. The opi waterfall is a perfect destination to nature lover and adventure seekers.

Waterfalls in Nigeria and their Location

20. Mmaku Afam Waterfall:

Known as Obialu ofuu, Mmaku Afam fall is is one of the highest waterfall in Mmaku, located in Afam. The waterfall is surrounded by beautiful rock formations and beautiful trees providing perfect shades for visitors to the area. The obialu ohuu waterfall is a place worthy of visit. when ever you explore Mmaku, make sure to visit the waterfall.

21. Karu Waterfalls:

Hidden between the beautiful mountains and Vegetation nests in Karu are the four karu waterfalls.
Located along Abuja Keffi Road in New Karu, Nasarawa State. The Karu waterfall is an awesome outdoor spot for nature lovers and ideal hiking destination and picnic spot.

22. Nwaekpu Waterfalls:

Hidden inside the valley of Nwaekpu Forest in Ezioha Mmaku, Nwaekpu fall is about 45 to 60 minutes walk from Ajaba and can be accessed through Ugbo Mmaku road. while at the forest, to the to the waterfall, you have to walk down or climb down the stone bridge and walking through the water part way to get to the fall area. At the bottom of the fall is a pool formed As the water cascade down the rock and with the aid of the surrounding conney shaped rock it creates a part way for the water to escape from. This Waterfall is truly a beauty to behold, and a perfect romantic spot but i wont advice that. Click to see more pictures.

23. Ogba Ngwu Waterfalls:

Located down the valley of Obeagu and Ugbo, The Ogba Ngwu waterfalls Are two different waterfalls located within the OgbaNwgu Forest in Obeagu, the waterfalls is situated along the Oyibo Obeagu road at the upper end of Oji, One of the major rivers in Ugbo. The Waterfall area is adorn with beautiful rock formations an small caves. Click Here To See More of Ogwa Ngwu and Its Waterfalls 

24. Karishi Waterfall:

karishi waterfall is one the waterfalls in Abuja, Located in Karishi, a satellite town situated in the Federal Capital Territory. The Waterfall which is located along Nyanya karishi road is a perfect destination for outdoor Adventure.

Waterfalls in Nigeria and their Location

Also see: Popular lakes in Enugu State

25. Dutse Waterfall:

Dutse waterfall is one waterfalls in Abuja, Located in Dutse, a satellite town situated in the Federal Capital Territory. The Dutse Waterfall is an ideal spot for picnic and a perfect adventure destination.

26. Kurra Falls:

The Kurra Falls lies to the east of Barking – Ladi along the Jos – Pankshin road. The Kurra Falls is situated at about 77 kilometers southeast of Jos and houses the state’s first hydroelectric power station. Kurra Falls is the perfect gateway destination for people seeking solace from urbanization or just looking to appreciate the aesthetics of mother nature.

27. Lower Nwaekpu Fall:

Located in Ezioha Mmaku, deep down in the valley of Ndahe Nka in The forest of Nwaekp, the waterfall, although not that well know is the last of the three falls in the Nwaekpu forest, the waterfall is located at the south eastern section of the forest with a height of about 2.8meters. Click Here To read About this hidden oasis of Mmaku.

Also See: Top Enugu Hiking and Outdoor Adventure Groups

28. Ngalagu Waterfall.

Ngalagu Waterfall is one of the many waterfall in Mmaku, Awgu Local Government of Enugu State.  The Ngalagu Waterfall which cascades down the cliff of Ngalagu Cave is a perfect destination for explorers. Although out of the public eye, the waterfall is a sight to behold and the its cave is simply majestic.

Waterfalls in Nigeria


29. Yadim Waterfall

Yadim Waterfall is located in Fufore Local Government Area of Adamawa state, Yadim waterfall is one of the many tourist attractions in Adamawa state and the most popular waterfall in the state.

30. Upper Ogbangwu Waterfall

The upper Ogba Ngwu waterfall is located within the OgbaNwgu Forest in Obeagu, the waterfalls is situated along the Oyibo – Obeagu road at the upper end of Oji, One of the major rivers in Ugbo. The Waterfall area is adorn with beautiful rock formations an small caves.

Waterfalls in Nigeria

31. Amanagwu Waterfall Arochukwu 

Amanagwu Waterfall is located in Arochukwu Local Government Area of Abia state, Amanagwu waterfall although not that popular is one of the many tourist attractions in Abia state and the most popular waterfall in the state

Waterfalls in Nigeria

32. Iyi Nzu Waterfall Ezimo

Iyi Nzu Waterfall is one of many waterfalls in Enugu state, Located in Ezimo, Udenu Local Government Area of Enugu state. Iyi Nzu waterfall is one of the tallest waterfall in the state although not as popular as that of Awhum, Ezeagu and ngwo.

Waterfalls in Nigeria

33. Sassa Water falls

Sassa Water falls is a major attractions in in Adamawa state, located in Toungo part of the state, the waterfall is a popular location for adventure seeker and lovers of tourism.

34. Effon Fall:

Effon waterFall is located at Effon-Alaaye in Ekiti State. Although the waterfall is not yet popular as it is said to be newly discovered. Effon Falls is said to be on the same Effon ridge as Olumirin and Arinta falls. When next you are in Ekiti, do well to visit and explore the Effon Fall.

35 Orsu Awgunta

Waterfalls in Nigeria and their Locations

36 Isi Iyiakwa Waterfall

Waterfalls in Nigeria and their Locations


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Below are other less known and less explored Waterfalls.

Pankasha Waterfalls in Edo State.

Oferekpe Waterfalls in Ebonyi State.

Assab Waterfalls in Kaduna State.

Ahoyaya Waterfalls in Kwara State.
Ajobi Waterfalls in Kogi State
Egame Waterfalls in Kogi State
Ofobaje Waterfalls in Kogi State
Owelle Waterfalls in Kogi State
Uloko Waterfalls in Kogi State
Obeagu Waterfall in Enugu
Upogo Waterfalls in Kogi State
Juhh Waterfalls in Taraba State
Jurgel Waterfalls in Taraba State
Mbela Waterfalls in Taraba State
Mayanka Waterfalls in Niger State
Tunga Waterfalls in Taraba State
Jibam River Falls in Plateau State
Kikoba Falls in Plateau State
Khawang Falls in Plateau State
Zongu Falls in Plateau State

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