An Epic Hike Adventure With The Mountaineers

Part of the reason i cut my Oguta trip short was to be with this guys on Saturday for their August hike.. I had earlier promised to join them but as my calendar changed it was difficult abandoning what i went to Oguta to do to be with them but am glad i did.. I came back to Enugu around 10pm on Friday and the next morning i joined them at Enugu North and from there we took off to Ugbo, in Awgu for this memorable and adventure packed experience.

Read: Top Enugu Hiking and Outdoor Adventure Groups

On getting to Ugbo, we first made a stop at Ululo waterside for pictures, briefing and introduction after which we went back to the vehicle, then made the second stop at Ugbo Okpala where the hike officially started.

We passes through Mgboko Ogba, Onu Oji, Okpuzo Okpolo Okpu to Ofesi hill hilltop. We made a stop at Mgboko Ogbo and another stop at Onu Oji before continuing our hike to Ofesi Hilltop.

”Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing”… Many where exhausted but determined to get to the top. While at Ofesi Hilltop, we rested, took our snacks and photos.. You can’t be such a place with taking lots of pictures. ”The best view they say comes after the hardest climb”

After our photo sessions we made our way out of the hill and went down the valley of OgbaNgwu where the ogbangwu twin waterfalls and rock formations are located.. It wasn’t easy but at the end, we made it to the first Waterfall.  Here we are at the lower ogbangwu waterfall and pool enjoying the splash of the fall.

Read: Top Five Communities To Explore In Enugu State

”When they say magic is in water, this is where you all see it.. Even those who said they won’t enter the water couldn’t resist the charm of the pool”.

Read: My Journey To Opi Nsukka And Nkpolugwu

After about 30 to 45 minutes of enjoying this natures wonder we made our way out of the fall and went to the upper fall where we washed off before head back to where our vehicle was.

At the upper section of the waterfall, most of the people chose not to enter the water. while others washed off some were busy taking pictures and exploring the mini caves there. Since it was out last stop, we allowed everyone to rest before we heeded back to where our vehicle was packed. At the end.. It was just memorable and everyone had a great time.

Read: Enugu Hike and Hangout With Hikers Trail at Ngwo Pine Forest

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