Ikenga Hotel and Resort Nsukka

Meet the majestic Ikenga Hotel and Resort Nsukka. Commissioned by the Military Governor of Anambra state – Group Captain Sampson Emeka Omeruah on 8th May, 1987 with 53 rooms to boast of. Very welcoming and spacious environment.

The rooms are quite affordable and there’s internet access. Theres a swimming pool, restaurant and bar, a volleyball and lawn tennis course, a banquet hall, Children’s park and a fitness area.

You’ll meet free to roam geese walking around and enjoying the best outdoor space in the facility.

It’s a barely 15mins drive from University of Nigeria in Nsukka.
If you seek a cool, calming and peaceful yet historic place to visit while in Nsukka, this should be a best bet.

This is the New Ikenga Hotel and Resort Nsukka.

Written by: Officialtourbuddy


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