The Ekpo (Nnaobo) Festival Display

The SCRIPT scripts on…. THE EKPO (ññâöbö) FESTIVE DISPLAY

The Ekpo (Nnaobo) Festival Display

On Wednesday 29th December, 2021. The large heart of Abak LGA celebrates her culture, the Ekpo festive display “ññâöbö “.. Flagged off by her Amiable Chairman, Rt. Hon. Pst. Ekerette Inyang.

Welcome! It’s about that time of the year, where African societies, nations, ethnic groups, citizens express their cultural heritage.

Furthermore, this expressive culture is seen through epics and oral traditions, music and dance, theater and cinemas and other large varieties like religions, political and cultural activities.

However, in Abak today, we experienced different cultural pieces, displayed by villages within Abak jurisdiction…

The cultural display of Abak LGA Ekpo Masquerade, traditionally falls on the last big market day “Edetobo”…

More so, on a day like today, all the villages with their colourful Ekpo (ññaöbö) costume conveyed at Abak Circus ⭕ later this afternoon…

See: Ten Most Popular Festival Celebrated In Igbo Land

The Ekpo (Nnaobo) Festival Display

Few of such villages were :
Abak village, ndot, oku abak, utu abak, midim abak, ikot ekang, ata ediene, ibanag ediene, etc.

The Ekpo Masquerade cultural display in Abak LGA, parades in the following other…

These are symbolized on the masks they (Masquerade) wear and how they play out their roles when they are on parade.

INYION EKPO (The crippled Masquerade) symbolizes suffering experienced in the society. It plays the limping part when on parade (ibid).

AJARA IKPA (The Leather Wearer) symbolizes the gorgeous in the community.

ETE EKPO and ATITIA EKPO (The Father Masquerade and Teacher Masquerade) symbolizes the instructors to members of the community.

Also Read: 10 Most Popular Festival In Nigeria

IMUM EKPO (The Dumb Masquerade) symbolizes the voiceless in the society.

AFAI EKPO (Wild Masquerade) symbolizes insanity and madness.

ABAIKPA EKPO (Girl Masquerade) symbolizes youth and virginity.

AKPAN EKPO (First Son of the Masquerade) symbolizes youth and beauty.

EKA EKPO (Mother Masquerade) symbolizes absolute power with its seven faces.

The characters in myths are usually non-human. Such as Ekpo, gods, demigods and other supernatural figures.

However, some people in their classification of myth say it include humans, animals or combination of both…

Despite the intervention of Christianity and Civilization, many people including me, don’t joke with their cultural heritage…

Written By: Udom Tony Celz

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