Top Enugu Hiking and Outdoor Adventure Groups

Enugu has the highest number of tourism lover and adventure seeker after Abuja, If you are looking for a group to hike, Hangout, Tour, Explore or Camp with in Enugu. Below are some of the most vibrant and active group in Enugu.

Enugu Hiking and Outdoor Adventure Groups
The Hikers Trail and Tour at Ngwo Pine Forest

1. thehikerstrail

The Hikers Trail and Tour are Enugu most vibrant and active outdoor group. This group of tourism lovers, adventure seekers and hike enthusiast are one to look out for when ever in Enugu, With hikers trail and tour, your are sure of a good and fun filled time.

Top Enugu Hiking and Outdoor Adventure Groups

Also ReadEnugu Hike and Hangout With Hikers Trail at Ngwo Pine Forest

Also Read: An Epic Wanderlust Hike Adventure With Hikers Trail

2. #TheMovement The movement team was once Enugu most engaged outdoor Adventure group with the aim of touring and discovering all the known and unknown tourism potentials in the state. Although this group haven’t been active for a while but they promised to be back soon.

Enugu Hiking and Outdoor Adventure Groups

Also Read: The Movement: A Trip to Ezeagu Cave and Waterfall

3. Enugu Local Guides: The ELGs might not be the largest Adventure community in Enugu but they are made of like minded individual with a sense of community, they are volunteers who share reviews, photos and knowledge about places around them on google.

Top Enugu Hiking and Outdoor Adventure Groups

Also Read: Enugu Geo Walk: First Enugu Local Guide Meet-Up

4. OXplorers

Orient Xplorers are a community of  Nature lovers, fun and adventure seekers. Although young, Orient Xplorers seeks to become one of the most Active Adventure group in the state. If you want to go beyond your limits, Orient Xplorers are there for you.

Top Enugu Hiking and Outdoor Adventure Groups

5. #TheMountaineers The Mountaineers are the youngest Adventure group in Enugu, This group of adventure lovers promotes local tourism through hiking & networking. Although they wish to cover the whole country, but for now their actives are mainly in the Enugu. Hikes once a month.

Top Enugu Hiking and Outdoor Adventure Groups

6. #NauticalEast Although i haven’t Hiked or encountered this group before but they are one of the groups to checkout in Enugu, Just like #TheMoutaineers they are still young, active and passionate.
Top Enugu Hiking and Outdoor Adventure Groups

I am an Adventure Seeker, Explorer, Tourism and Travel Photographer. I am the Man to talk to when you want to explore Enugu, i organize tours for individual and groups.The aim is to make Enugu #No1 tourist destination in Nigeria. Lets do it together.

Top Enugu Hiking and Outdoor Adventure Groups

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