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I know most of you have been following Igboist kitchen contest through this blog, and for those that are asking how they can partake in the contest, well, its still not yet open to everyone as its still basically an online affair.
I will be sharing with you all dishes from two great chefs.. This Igboist Kitchen edition tagged battle of chefs is between Cassandra Chisom Cherry and Constance Chinenye Names. Winners of January edition of Igboist contest. Want to know more about Igboist ktchen contest click here to view other dishes and contests click here and here
This addition of Igboist kitchen was PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Mercy Cindy Kalu. and organized by Mmasinachi Jenny Emoka.
DISH: ONUGBU SOUP. and as usually i will be sharing their Ingredients and process of Preparations.
Cassandra Chisom Cherry ‘s Submission
cocoyam (ede)
stock fish
dried fish
Bitter leaves
Ground crayfish
Palm oil
Dry pepper
Knorr cube
Salt to taste.
Start by steaming the beef, chicken and stock fish with knorr cube and salt boil till tender.
while the meats are boiling, boil the cocoyam with the skin on. boil till tender, this should take roughly 20 minutes on medium heat.
When they’re soft, peel the skin off,chop them into small chunks in your electric blender, add little water and blend. If you don’t have blender, pound till smooth in a mortar then set aside.
Wash the bitter leaves with hot water to get rid of as much bitterness as you can. There should be almost no hint of bitterness left in the leaves after washing.
When the meats are all soft, add the dried fish, crayfish and ground pepper stir and combine.
Add the palm oil leave to thoroughly combine for 3- 4 minutes.
Add the blended cocoyam into the stock in small dollops. The cocoyam will dissolve and combine for 2-3 minutes.

Then add the ogiri, stir and combine.
Taste for seasoning and adjust if necessary.
Then add the washed bitter leaves to cook for 2-3 minutes. Do not over cook your vegetable.
And it’s done. Serve with your preferred swallow.

Constance Chinenye Names ‘s submission
Ingredients :
Bitter leaf(onugbu)
Palm fruit ( Akwu)
Cow tail (odū añu
Cow intestines (Afo añu)
Fresh fish(azu frigi

Stock Fisk (okporoko)
Dry fish (azu okpö)
Crayfish (karafish

Cocoa yam ( edë)
Fresh pepper (öse ndu)
Castor seed (ogiri Igbo)
Knor Cube (maagi)
Salt (nñu)
Preparations :
Wash your bitter leaf and set aside, cook and pound the ede and set aside, cook and sieve the palm fruit and set aside, thoroughly wash your meats, fish and stock fish, then steam together and set aside, wash…salt and roast the fish (optional), pound the pepper, crayfish and ogiri igbo together and set aside.
Place the sieved palm fruit on fire, cover to properly boil, then open and pour the steamed meat and fishes, while it’s boiling, scoop in the pounded pepper, crayfish and ogiri, then add your knor cube and salt, then cover to boil, open and add the roasted fish and as it is boiling, add the ede bit by bit. While it’s cooking, check if it has gotten to your desired thickness, then add the bitter leaf and turn. Leave open and allow to cook a bit. Your yummy Onugbu soup is deliciously ready

Well, You have seen it. Who do you think deserve to be our chief chef among these two great chefs?
Share your opinion via the comment box below.