Reasons Why You Should Visit Mmaku This Festive Season

Mmaku is a town located in the southern part of Awgu local government area of Enugu State, south eastern Nigeria. Mmaku is connected by two major roads, The Oji-Awgu road and Ugbo-Mmaku road. Communities that Surrounds Mmaku includes: Ugbo(Ogulugu) Obeagu, Mgbowo, Awgu, Mgbidi Ogugu and Achi. While the Villages that make up Mmaku Includes: Ezioha, Enugwu Agu(Enugu Mmaku), Affam(Agunese), Ifite, Okwuluofia, Otokwu, and Amegu.

Mmaku is an amazing town and her people are charming but i must warn you, before you plan a trip to Mmaku especially this Christmas season which is a harmattan period, here are some of the thing you need to go along with: a winter coat, well, we don’t really call it winter coat here because we don’t experience winter, we just call it coat or sweater but harmattan especially in Mmaku is as cold as the winter. A moisturizer to keep your body moisturized and a wet lips or vaseline lips very important if you want your lips to be in good condition. well, those are the most important ones but you can also come with a water can to be able to stay hydrated always and a socks if you wish.

Also See: Top 10 Most Lively Towns in Awgu LGA During Christmas season

Below Are Some Of The Reason Why You Should Visit Mmaku This Festive Season

1.  To Attend and witnesses Mmaku ultimate festival. The Ozuzugbuligbo Mmaku Festival.

Ozuzugbuligbo Festival the Mmaku ultimate festival. Ozuzugbuligbo festival is a festival that celebrates the uniqueness of Mmaku and the heritage of Mmaku people, her history, culture, food, language and identity. Ozuzugboligbo is the first of its kind and aimed at uniting the people of Mmaku. The festival which will be taking place on the 4th of January at the Ajaba field will be attended by by well meaning sons and daughters of the community and there will be lots of cultural display and performance. Ozuzugboligbo is one festival you wont afford to miss.

Why You Should Visit Mmaku This Festive Season

2. To Hike and Explore the Famous u8 Hill and the Isi Mmamu

Mmaku as a community is situated on top of a hill and has a very unique landmark, one of the most beautiful landmark of Mmaku are the hills and green area. For hikers who wish to explore and hike the beautiful hill U8 Hill and Isi Mmamu are definitely places you would love.. Although there are lots of place to explore and hike in Mmaku but these two are the most popular in the community and hold so much importance to the community

Also See: Top Five Towns in Awgu LGA with amazing Hills

3. To Visit, Wander and Explore the Nwaekpu Valley. 

Sure you can visit this place anytime of the season but you can take advantage of all the activities going on in the community during this festive season to explore this hidden Oasis of Mmaku. This once sacred forest is one of the most beautify place to explore in Mmaku, The Nweaekpu forest is home to three different waterfall, beautiful rock formations and naturally formed rock bridge over the Nwaekpu stream linking the eastern section of the forest to its western section and lastly a beautiful pool at one one the water fall with its beautiful and gorgeous walk way. Nwaekpu forest is a place to behold, a natures gift to the community.

Why You Should Visit Mmaku This Festive Season

4. To Visit the Famous and sacred Omoo Spring and the Obialu Ohuu Waterfall

If you ever visited Mmaku without taking a glimpse of the beautiful place, your visit to Mmaku isn’t complete. Omoo is a revered and sacred spring in Afam with impeccable, gorgeous and breathtaking environment. The Omoo spring is home to sacred fishes with healing ability which cannot be kill. The Omoo spring is surrounded by beautify rock formations and beautiful trees providing perfect shades for visitors to the area. Also in Afam is the Obialu Ohuu Wateefall with the same beautiful feature as that of Omoo, the obialu ohuu waterfall is one of the highest waterfall in Mmaku and a place worthy of visit.

5. To Explore the Caves of Mmaku.

This is for those that loves cave adventure, If you love to explore cave, then Mmaku is one town you need to visit, the town have the highest number of caves in Enugu about 7 of them scattered all over the town but the most popular being the Ogba Ngalagu and Ogba Nwaude Nwaorji. The caves hold a great historical importance to the people of Mmaku. These caves served as a home and hideout for the people during the Nigeria Biafra war and the most majestic of them all is the Ngalagu cave and waterfall.

6.  To Enjoy the Local Food the People.

Mmaku is home to many dishes, just ever most communities in Enugu, Mmaku has her own unique way of preparing Abacha(Mbacha). Mmaku people makes Mbacha in many ways which includes Mbacha Agwa, Mbacha wiiwi, Mbacha Akpakpa but the most unique food of the people is the Asaja a specie of Kidney Beans, Asaja is usually prepared during an important occasion or for a very important guest. Although Asaja is quite easy to prepare but the cooking takes about 5 to 7 days. Asaja is one food you cant afford to miss upon your visit to Mmaku and a food you can never get anywhere else.

7. To Explore and Photograph Mmaku.

I know this might seem irrelevant to some people but if you are a nature, landscape or travel photographer, Mmaku is one town you will love to visit. Of course Christmas season is not the only ideal period to visit Mmaku for photography but coupled with other activities that goes on in the town during this period, that makes it a perfect time to visit. Mmaku can be liken to places like the Mambilla Plateau of Taraba or the Obudu Mountains of Cross River without the cable car or resorts.

Also See: 8 Reasons Why You Should Visit Cross River This December

8. To Witness Mmaku Unity Tournament.

It true Mmaku is not the only community that plays a tournament during the festive season but it is defiantly one with the one of the hottest and most entertaining tournament especially in Awgu. The hotness of Mmaku Christmas football tournament make people from the neighboring communities to drive down to the town to watch their match. The Tournament starts from the 18th of December and ends on the 1st. If you are a lover of football, you will definitely be thrilled and entertained watching this tournament.

Witness Mmaku Unity Tournament

9. To Meet and Interact with the Locals 

Mmaku people are charming, very welcoming, accommodating, polite, loving and cheerful. Mmaku people whom are of the Igbo ethnic group speaks and understand the central Igbo language, the natives speaks ”Mmaku” their own native dialect of the Igbo language. it will be interesting meeting the people, learning their local dialect and experiencing their culture an when else will be a perfect time for this other then this festive season that almost all the sons and daughters of the community will be around for the celebration.

Also Read: My Visit To The Beautiful Town of Mmaku

10. To Witness the Seasonal Masquerade Display 

Most Villages in Mmaku as a way of entertaining her people during this season displays some of their masquerade especial the Ezioha People, The Ifite People And Afam People. If you are a lover of this aspect of culture you will definitely love this.. The Ifite people parades their Okiti masquerade on the 25 while Ezioha parades there Agaba and Omife masquerade on the 1st of January.

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