How to prepare Ekpang Nkukwo


How to prepare Ekpang Nkukwo by Josephine Etta

Prep time (40mins)
Cooking time (20mins)

Wateryam: 1 medium size
Cocoyam: 3 medium ones
Ugwu (pumpkin) or Green vegetables (your preference)
Crayfish (grounded): 5 tablespoons
Dried pepper (grounded): 2 tablespoons or as spicy as you want it
Maggi (4 knorr cubes)
Palm oil
Salt to taste
Dried fish or whatever protein you like
Scent leaf
Hot Water

Also See: How To Make Akamu/Pap

Also See: How to prepare Akidi and Abach Akidi

How to prepare Ekpang Nkukwo

Also See: How to prepare Ofe Nsala ”Nsala Soup”.

1. Boil the dried fish or protein. Wash your greens, periwinkle and set aside
2. Grate the wateryam and cocoyam together
3. Add salt, 2 knorr cubes, some of the dried pepper and crayfish to the wateryam and cocoyam mixture and set aside
4. Put a little oil in the pot and place the periwinkle inside
5. Wrap the wateryam and cocoyam mixture inside the greens and place them in the pot making sure that there is some space in the middle and sides of the pot
6. Sprinkle remaining crayfish, pepper, 2 knorr cubes and salt inside
7. Put some water in the middle and sides of the pot and allow to boil
8. Add some more water and leave to boil. Then shake the pot to ensure that it mixes properly.
9. Add the fish and then some oil
10. Finally add the saint leaf, mix and leave to boil for about 3 minutes
11. Bring down and serve while hot or as preferred
12. Bon appetit!

Also See: How to prepare plantain moi moi

How to prepare Ekpang Nkukwo

18 thoughts on “How to prepare Ekpang Nkukwo

  • Pingback: How To Make Akamu/Pap - Outravelandtour

  • that looks like a humongous pot you’re using to cook in. I have never heard of ekpang nkukwo nor half the ingredients. i notice you say you can swap another protein for the fish but what do you recommend?
    Joy at The Joyous Living

  • I can’t say this is something I have ever tried before. It sounds great though and thanks for sharing the recipe!

  • I have never heard of this dish before but it really does look delicious. I would love to try it out although it might be hard to find some of the ingredients.

  • I’ve never tried Ekpang Nkukwo, but it seems yummy! I don’t know where I would be able to find the ingredients but I’ll definitely see if there are some characteristic and ethnic shops around here. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

  • never heard of the dish before. it sounds so very delicious! i want to try it at home and try the proper version too!

  • Wow! This is my first time to hear about Ekpang Nkukwo and I had no idea what it is. It looks interesting with the wateryam and cocoyam. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

  • Oh wow. This completely new to me and it feels good bumping into it. I’ll have to try it.

  • Pingback: Popular Efik Foods - Ou Travel and Tour

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