Top Five towns in Awgu LGA with amazing hills, ideal for hiking, camping and picnic 

Awgu is a Local Government Area (LGA) in Enugu State, Nigeria. Geographically, Awgu LGA is located approximately between latitudes 06 00’ and 06 19’ North of the Equator and longitudes 07 23’ and 07 35’ East of the Greenwich Meridian. Awgu LGA is bounded in the north by Udi and Nkanu West LGAs, in the west by Oji River LGA and share border with Isochi L.G.A of Abia State in the south.

Awgu is marked by extensive hills especially in the western flank and lowland in the eastern side. These hills have steep slopes and could attain an altitude of about 350–400 meters above sea level with mean slope angle of 15o and a modal class of 11o

The Natural features and landscapes of Awgu made it the top choice for Nigeria Breweries Plc sponsored TV adventure, Gulder Ultimate for the search for the lost chronicle in its fifth edition in 2008.

Although the Agwu Range of Hills cut across almost all the towns in Awgu Local Government Area down to Abia state and okigwe part of imo state but i will be sharing with you Top Five towns with the most amazing hills.

  1. Mmaku

Top Five towns in Awgu LGA with amazing hills, ideal for hiking, camping and picnic 


Located in the southern part of Awgu Local Government Area, Enugu State. Mmaku is a tourist site with various tourist attraction centers such as Ishi Mmam the source of Mmamu River, Omoo Stream in Afam-Mmaku, Ugwu nwa orji enugu Affam, Ogba n’ aza oku (Echoing Cave), Ngweleaka Obuohu, Ishiota Obuohu Stream, Nwaekpu and the most popular of them all is the hill that hosted the Gulder Ultimate Search, U8 hill also called Ekwe Eju by the natives.. Prominent communities mmaku are Enugwu Agu, Affam, Ifite, Otokwu and Ezioha and the Surrounding Towns are Ugbo, Obeagu, Mgbowo Mgbidi, Achi and Awgu

2. Ugbo

My Visit To The HillTown Of Ugbo

Located in northwest part of Awgu Local Government Area, Enugu State. Ugbo is Known for its natural habitat, including serene hills, caves, large rocks and stones, rivers, forests, wild animals, and fertile lands. Ugbo is the ancestral home to many towns in Igboland, the population of the town is projected to be about 32,000 based on 2006 census. Although Ugbo is a hill town and situated on top of a hill, two major hill in the town includes the Ofesi hills and Nkume Nshi.. Ugbo occupies a vast area of land bounded by other communities, such as Obeagu to the southwest, Achi to the west, Amoli to the northwest, Owelli to the north, Ogugu to the east, and Mmaku to the south.

3. Awgu Town

Top Five towns in Awgu LGA with amazing hills, ideal for hiking, camping and picnic 

Awgu is the Headquarters of Awgu Local Government Area (LGA) in Enugu State,  Nigeria and the Headquarters of Awgu Catholic Diocese.  Awgu town is also the Orientation Training Centre for National Youth Service corps members posted to Enugu State. Awgu is marked by extensive hills and these hills have steep slopes and could attain an altitude of about 350–400 meters above sea level.

4. Ugwueme

Top Five towns in Awgu LGA with amazing hills, ideal for hiking, camping and picnic 

Although not among the most popular towns in Awgu. Ugwueme is a hill town, located in the southern part of Awgu Local Government Area, Mostly associated with the udi Hills because of its beautiful and breathtaking view. Ugwueme is not only known for its beautiful hills as the town has other tourist attractions such as caves.

5. Isu Awaa

Top Five towns in Awgu LGA with amazing hills, ideal for hiking, camping and picnic 

Isu Awaa is one of the towns in Agwu with beautiful hill, Located in northern part of Awgu Local Government Area, Enugu State. Isu Awaa is Surrounded by Prominent Towns such as Ituku, Agbogugu, Agbudu.  Over the years, Isu Awaa has become one of the most popular spot for hiker who garter at the town every December for their annual Endurance trekking.

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