A Trip To The Ancient City of Idanre

The Idanre Hills or Oke Idanre is an ancient settlement that thrived on the hills until the introduction of western civilisation by a group of missionaries led by Rev. Gilbert Carter.
This western civilisation created a divide in religious and social beliefs, and this divide led crises leading to the gradual yet total downhill migration of the Idanre people.

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A Trip To The Ancient City of Idanre

According to oral history, Idanre Hills was supposedly founded by Olofin Aremitan said to be the younger brother of Oduduwa the founder of Yoruba tribes in Nigeria. After Oduduwa’s death the tussle for power that saw Oduduwa’s son victorious led to the migration of Olofin and his followers to Utaja, close to the foot of Idanre hills.
After Olofin’s death, Agboogun became King and sought to protect his people from invasion, so he made a decision to migrate them from the foot of the hills to Oke-idanre (the top of the hills) thus beginning the start of the now abandoned ancient civilisation on Idanre Hills.🤓

Although the hills have been deserted and abandoned the people still go up for festivities and even farming. The hills still preserves the ancient civilisation, rich landscape and cultural heritage of what used to be.

A Trip To The Ancient City of Idanre

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On my way to Idanre hills I could swear I was incapable of going 50 stairs before passing out and getting carried downhill. 😂 And I never stopped preparing the minds of everyone for that very possibility, begging them to reserve extra strength incase they have to carry me downhill (I don’t know if it was laziness or lack of stamina or a lirru bit of both, but I believed I couldn’t do 100 talkless of 682 stairs (story for the gods))🤣

A Trip To The Ancient City of Idanre

When I got on the first staircase, I just told myself “Amara just do reach where your strength reach, afterall this life I can’t kill myself 🎶”🤷🏽‍♀️
Getting to the first rest point at 75 stairs conquered, I was already seeing double (omo I lazy die, I was already questioning my decision in life😂 I had to sit for 5 mins to see well enough to go back downhill, they had to motivate me to continue)
By the second rest point at 225 stairs, I was glad they motivated me, don’t know if it was the excitement but I felt self motivated amidst the tiredness.

A Trip To The Ancient City of Idanre

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The third rest point at 361 stairs had no roof so we spent little time resting to avoid sun burn (still got burnt though😓)
The fourth rest point at 473 stairs was a long rest, motivation couldn’t carry cos my body was already screaming “babe I no be firewood o!”😥🤣 had to pop lollipop, chewing gum, chilled water, sprite, biscuit before recovering enough to stagger ahead, I kept saying “wetin remain small done finish, you can make it!”😆 you can already see a semi full view of the Idanre community downhill.
At the fifth rest point at 580 stairs with 102 stairs left, I took a victory rest on the stairs 😁
I could see the end and I felt proud of myself for making it.
Kingress Strong!💪🏽

A Trip To The Ancient City of Idanre

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The climb uphill comprises 682 stairs with 5 resting points.
Spoiler Alert: not an easy climb walahi…😰 finished 3 bottles of water, 2 bottles of sprite and a pack of gum, yet😓 also couldn’t feel my legs for a week😪 but it was worth it!😌

Motivational Facts
♡ “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step” we never really know what we are capable of until we try
♡ Never give up until you conquer
♡ Believe in yourself
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A Trip To The Ancient City of Idanre

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>> Have you been to Idanre Hills?
>> Do you think western civilisation was a blessing or a curse to them?

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