Kwa Falls, Cross River State

The Kwa Falls is one of the most popular waterfall in Nigeria and the most visited in Cross River State. Located in Anegeje village, Akamkpa LGA of Cross River State.

It is situated in a narrow, steep gorge on the headwaters of the Kwa River. Its sparkling waters cascade down basement rocks situated at the Oban side of the Cross River National Park. It flows from the Cameroon river into the Atlantic Ocean. A deep plunge pool forms at the bottom of the waterfall. The plunge of the Kwa Falls descends through a wide vertical gash on a cliff, cutting across the Great Kwa river channel (also called Kwa Ibo river or Kwa river), which flows gracefully through Cross River State, south-south Nigeria, draining the east side of the beautiful city of Calabar. There are 234 steps in the Kwa Falls, and the waterfall flows into a canopy of the tropical rainforest and mangrove forest that is rich in mahogany, ebony and spruce trees in a fascinating landscape. The river is said to originate from the Oban Hills in the Cross River National Park and flows southwards to the Cross River estuary. Kwa fall is an amazing place to explore, tourists and visitors at Calabar keep trooping down to the Kwa Falls for its amazing sight all year round.

SEE: Top 5 Places of Interest in Cross River state

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