Iva Valley Enugu

Iva Valley is a locality located in the city of Enugu in Enugu State Nigerian. The Iva Valley is named after a valley in the area which bears the same name. The locality is the site of the Iva Valley Coal Mine. The Iva Valley is famed in Enugu for the events of November 18, 1949 when 21 miners were shot dead by policemen while striking. The Iva Valley Coal Mine was opened in 1917 by the British colonial government of Nigeria after the Udi Mine in 1915, making it the second ever coal mine established in the city

Places in Iva Valley Includes

Camp 1

Camp 2

Peter peter

Iva Road 1

Iva Road 2


Forest Plantation


Ugbo Miri

Ekulu Poultry also know as Iva Poultry

Getting Around Iva Valley

Iva Valley Enugu is connected by three major roads and few connecting and internal roads. The Iva Valley connecting Aria(New Market) through old GRA and Enugu Onitsha express road connecting Iva Valley through Camp two via new GRA and Ekulu poultry also known as Iva poultry through Proda. one can drive round Iva Valley with either a cab drop, a tricycle or Bus but mainly tricycle popularly known as Keke.

Places To Hangout In Iva Valley

There are not much hangout spots in Iva Valley, The only and major hangout spot within the Iva Valley Axis of Enugu is the Bridge Garden located in Vanguard, around the Ekulu bridge, connecting Camp 2, Vanguard and and Ekulu poultry.

Iva Valley Enugu

Education, Health Care and Places of Worship

There are many Schools, worship centres and few health care centres. Main and major schools in the area are owned and managed by the state government while other are owned and manged by the church especially the catholic church.


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