Laquatic Waterpark, Landmark Beach Lagos


We checked out Laquaticwaterpark located in Landmark beach, they hav a huge water sport for both kids and adults, features swings, slides and bouncy platforms with a sprinkle of holes. This one is definitely not for the faint at heart as it’s quite scary. You don’t not need to know how to swim to participate as there are lifeguards and also live jackets, the arena itself isn’t in the deep ends of the beach.

Laquatic Waterpark, Landmark Beach Lagos


Adult: 7000 naira per hr/ 11,000 naira full day
Kids 5,000 naira

It was really fun even though even though ????????. I thoroughly disgraced myself that day as small small boys and girls were running across the the platform and I was moving with my medium ny!ash????, I didn’t even make it to the swing which was the hardest part of the sport.

Laquatic Waterpark, Landmark Beach Lagos

Note that you cannot slay in this waterpark as you’d be made to remove your wigs, sunglasses hats even eyelashes, you’ll end up looking homeless though it’s for your own good ????.

Have you tried Laquaticwaterpark ?? You’ll sure love it.

Laquatic Waterpark, Landmark Beach Lagos

Review By: Waka_Waka_Nnenna


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