Wonderland Twin Peaks Abuja


Wonderland Twin Peaks

Wonderland Twin Peaks is definitely one spot you have to visit in Abuja! It offers an amazing view of the city and key landmarks such as the National Stadium, City Gate, World Trade Center amongst other landmarks.

It’s also a great spot for pictures and interestingly a picnic. And this is exactly what we did yesterday! Had a picnic with Waka_waka_nnenna Abujafoodplug Hotperidot Winnieahupa Alma.ngur

Wonderland Twin Peaks

To access the best view, you have to hike for about 20 minutes up a hill. I’d say this hike is sorta like a stroll up a hill, you may be out of breath though. Now I thought I was unfit but yesterday some of us almost passed out while others crawled up the hill. We all made it though and it was definitely worth it. Please don’t attempt if unfit sha, let’s avoid stories that touch 🤷🏾‍♀️

As for security it felt safe, the hiking point is located in a residential area precisely by the Wuye Mechanic Village where we parked. However, with all waka’s, I always recommend that you go in groups and in broad daylight. Be sure to take bottles of water too, you’ll need it for the hike. It is also very windy and somewhat cool at the top of the hill.

The hiking point can be accessed from Wuye. You may input Wonderland Twin Peaks on Google maps. There’s actually a clear outlined hiking path. came through with the waffles for munching

Written By: Abuja Lifestyle

Photo Credit: Waka_waka_nnenna


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