The Movement: A Trip to Ezeagu Cave and Waterfall

Travel experience is something i write once in a while and it has really been a while, well, that is going to change as i have been on a solo hike and tour in Enugu for a while and i have covered quite a number of places but that will be a topic for another time. This post is all about how i took a part in a tour and picnic at Obinofia Ndiuno community in Ezeagu.

I recently joined a group on a picnic to the Ezeagu cave and waterfall. The picnic which was organized by the directorate of culture and tourism, NYSC South East in conjunction with the center for untapped Africa and my saftv was actually part of the reason why i had to come to Enugu. Moving from the north to the east for a day event was a very big decision so i needed something that will motivate me more to embark on the trip and the thought of coal city tour came to my mind, although it has always been part of the things i wanted to do this years but i fixed it for august, but the picnic gave me a reason to move it down and since i wasn’t engaged that much it seemed like a perfect time.

Picnic Day and The Departure

On the 15th which was the day of the picnic, I went down to Polo park mall which was our meeting venue but didn’t see anybody, few minutes later i saw a notification from the WhatsApp group saying that some of them were at the venue, although i didnt know any of them aside from my Facebook friend who i learnt about the event from although i haven’t met him in person. But when looking around i observed some people’s movement and got to know that they were part of the team so i followed them to where the bus was parked, While we waited for others, i noticed that i was the only person who haven’t met or know anybody there. initially, the departure time was set for 7:30am but was later shifted to 9am but we eventually departed at exactly 9:58 am., Drove through the Ekulu-New market road and made a stop at 9th mile before continuing our journey.

Also Read: Top Five Ideal Place For Picnic in Enugu

Arrival And the tour of the Cave

Getting to Ezeagu, We were assigned a tour guide who first took us to the cave, I have heard about the Ezeagu cave and seen the pictures of if although i have never visited before. We took a narrow road which happens to be the only road leading to the cave. As we headed to the cave i took out my camera to capture the environment, everything looked so magical as they were still in their natural state. as i walked towards the cave i admired the the wild and listed to the birds as they whistle. Before i got to the mouth of the cave others were already there but still outside. As i looked around i was stunned, How? how is it that i have never been here before? truth be told, all the picture of the cave i have seen online none have ever capture the beauty of that cave and the one i even took didn’t do so. While i was still admiring the cave, i wonder why people have not gone inside and they said the cave prohibits a woman i her period entering the cave, well that i have heard but adding to that, they also said those who had sex within the past two day should not enter the cave but we were never told what was going to happen if they enter. As they were still debating on who should go in and who should not go in, those of us that were eager to go inside and see that spectacular wonder of nature went inside. We entered through one of the chamber as they are two outer chambers although they were connected inside. on getting inside, i was amazed as it was really beyond what i imagined. As we headed in, others where taking picture while those who were afraid to come in waited outside, i noticed some other chambers inside the cave and i was told that some of the roots went outside the community and some were yet to be explored and so doesn’t know where they lead to. As we moved in further, the rest went back and i was left alone with the tour guide, i was determined to explore the cave more but because we didn’t have a brighter torch light so we had to go back but not before entering the second cave chamber where i had to but down my name.  At that section of the cave, names of the people who had at one time or the other visited the cave wrote down there name there and i had to do so. As i was about heading out, about four other people came but couldn’t go inside but were really amazed at what they saw.

More Pictures on the cave and its Environs 

While heading to the waterfall where we had the picnic, i had a conversing with the tour guide and according to him the community is surrounded by water, apparently, there are about nine rivers that circles the enter community and the waters coming out of the cave is also a tributary to the cave and Iheneke, although we were told that we will not be visiting Iheneke but i really looked forward to seeing the lake. Iheneke is one of the most magnificent and popular lake in Enugu and it’s also located in the town. Both the lake, the cave and waterfall make up the Ezeagu tourist complex.

Picnic Site

Well, when we got to the waterfall, although it is not a high fall like that of Awhum and Ngwo but it was better than i imaged. I first of all toured the falls breathtaking wild environment before leaving the group, As i headed towards the northern section of the waterfall, i saw two of the guys that was sitting beside me at the bus as they were also heading towards the same direction and we all went together. While others were at the fall side swimming and playing water polo, other were playing ludo, Ncho also know as Ayo, scrabble and other games, we were joined by the young man handling the video coverage. As we were swimming we noticed that some section of the water were walm while some were cold, Awesome right?..  While we were enjoying the water, we were joined by another group, initially i thought they were part of us but they looked younger and when i asked there guide told me they were a separate group from one of the secondary school in the neighboring community. After a while we moved down to join others, while Abiola and his friend joined those playing water polo, i went to play Ncho were my opponent won me after the sixth round, not to give any excuse but i was probably tired. While i continued taking some shots, i realized i have not eaten anything but lost interest after i had the abacha they prepared was a moodkill.

Pictures of the fall and Picnic Site. 

At about 4:45pm, we started making arrangement to head beck to Enugu, while some wished we could stay a little longer, others were already ready to go. After getting ready, we headed back to where out bus was packed, while still waiting for others, i tool a look around. The indigene were nice, friendly and welcoming, While i took a shot of them and the environment, i was asked if the pictures will help make the government to come and construct their road for them, Well, who know? If the right authority ever sees this post, You people should please know that the people of Obinofia Ndiuno need a good and motorable road which will also open up the community more and attract more tourists and explorers.

The picnic was an experience worth repeating, i really commend the organizers, I have always wanted to organize something like that but havent had the opportunity and chance to do so, taking part in the movement was indeed an eye opener and a memorable experience. As we headed back to Enugu, the bus this time was more fun than it was when we were going as i could relate to the jokes they were making unlike unlike before. while other cracked jokes and made fun of those who refused to enter inside the cave, i tried to take a quick nap but couldn’t because of the jokes and shouting going on in the bus mostly because of the put holes in the road between 9th mile corner axis of Ngwo. While other discharged in New market, the driver took us back to Imt just beside the polo park mall where we took off from.

Videos and Pictures on the second page.

34 thoughts on “The Movement: A Trip to Ezeagu Cave and Waterfall

  • Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    This looks like a really nice adventure. I would love to see the waterfalls. They are such beautiful natural formations. I want to explore the caves too, but having slight claustrophobia, I don’t think I would have to courage to do so. Thank you for sharing your photos. Happy to know you had a great time!

  • It’s terribly sad that Nigeria does not promote her culture and heritage via tourism. Oil & gas is so 20th century and the country needs to step up! Individual communities & states can promote their natural sights and sounds if they have the motivation and committment but corruption. Smh.

  • Africa has been a dream of mine! This place is so beautiful. I wish they promoted tourism. It could help the local artisans.

  • This looks like a nice day adventure as there is a ton of nature to view as well as things to like picnicking and maybe swimming.

  • Besides the pictures, I love your writing style. You made me feel that I’m also traveling with you. I’m looking forward to read more!

  • Thanks for your informative post! I like to visit places of adventure. This trip sounds like a fun activity in pure nature.

  • I love waterfall adventure the view totally amaze me. It looks you have a great time on your adventure awesome photos!

  • Bindu Thomas

    This is such an adventure. Great way to take your mind off the screen for some time.

  • This looks beautiful! I love being able to explore, and i especially love a good waterfall! It looks like it was a really great adventure.

  • Wow, how beautiful! The only waterfalls I’ve been to are the Niagara Falls, and I don’t think I’ve ever been in a cave! Need to visit the Ezeagu ones if ever I make it to Nigeria.

  • kaitlyn nicole

    What a beauty! Isn’t nature truly something so special? Seems like an awesome, inspiring trip.

  • What an amazing looking place to get to go and explore, I would be interesting to go into the caves and see what is in there, something about caves always draws me in.

  • oh that is so so cool! I would love to go on a similar adventure, so much fun and thrill. Thanks a lot for sharing.

  • I love how adventurous this trip is! Nature trips are my fav. I’d love to go explore the caves there too!

  • This looks amazing! How lucky you are to be able to experience an area that has such natural beauty. Love the pictures and video too. Thanks for sharing!

  • What an amazing journey. Great pictures BTW. There’s something about caves that has always captured my soul. We had some behind our house when I was a kid and I used to love checking them out, but I’d get too scared to go deep because there were coyotes living in them haha. Then on my honeymoon, we went to the east coast of Canada and found an area where the ocean came into these huge caves and made the waves sound like cannons. So neat.

  • You make solo travel look so enticing! I’ve never gone anywhere completely on my own but I have been considering it lately. Your experience looks so amazing. It’s always nice to see an entirely different part of the world through the people that go visit there.

  • What a wonderfully planned day. The scenery is gorgeous and I’m sure the conversation along the hike was great.

  • This looks like quite the adventure. The scenery is beautiful. Looks like a bit of a workout too.

  • Looks like great adventure place. sure you guys had enjoyed this adventure. lovely waterfall.

  • This is an amazing travel adventure. The sceneries are gorgeous, in love with that waterfall. You made a great itinerary.

  • What a beautiful adventure in Africa. I love all of the photos you have taken here this is definitely memorable and an experience to have!

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  • Pingback: Enjoying The Beauty Of Nature, The Akwuke Adventure - Outravelandtour

  • Pingback: The Movement 4: The Akwuke sand Beach Party - Outravelandtour

  • Zoom_Visuals

    This will surely be a breathtaking experience, and I’d definitely inform you once I tour the environment too. Job well done and kudos for the extra courage displayed.


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