How to prepare plantain moi moi


Plantain is a perennial herbaceous plant that develops from the underground rhizome. It also provide adequate levels of minerals such as iron, magnesium, and phosphorous. Magnesium is essential for bone strengthening and has a cardiac-protective
role as well.

Also See: How To Make Akamu/Pap

I bring to you this healthy meal from unripe and ripe plantain

4 over-ripe plantains (where the skin is black, but the flesh inside is still fresh)
200g unripe plantain flour
2 cooking spoons palm oil
1 cooking spoon crayfish or prawns, chopped
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 tin of mackerel fish in tomatoes sauce
3-4 fresh pepper
2 knorr cubes
salt, to taste


Sift the plantain flour into a bowl and stir in just water to form a smooth paste set aside. Peel the plantains then cut into small pieces.

Now blend together the plantain, crayfish, fresh pepper & onion. Work in 2 cooking spoons of palm oil then add the stock cubes and season to taste with salt. If the mixture seems too stiff add a little more water (it should be stiff, but still just stirrable).

Spoon this mixture into small bowls or moi-moi leaves. Set in a pot( note this pot should be covered with a leaves so the plantain moi-moi wIll just stay on top ) and steam over hot water for about 30 minutes, or until cooked through and solid.

Serve with oatmeal,pap/akamu or any juice of your choice Just like bean moi moi, it can also be eaten by itself as a snack.

How to prepare plantain moi moi by Mmasinachi Jenny Emoka

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