Into The Wilds: Exploring The Town Of Obubra Bansan In Cross River State

I once visited a Obubra-Bansan, a community in Boki local Government of Cross river State. Obubra-Bansan is an Agrilarian community in cross river state know for cocoa farming, Banana, Plantain, Ogbono and others. The first thing that caught my attention the first time i visited the community was a hill i first sighted at ogoga, one of the local government that that shares boundary with Ebonyi state. Although, the hill seems very close to Obubra-bansan and Bansan but it doesn’t belong to any of the community and time wouldn’t permit me to travel to the community where the hill is located which is about 1 hour and half from Obubra-bansan.  Obubra-Bansan, even though very rich in agriculture are disconnected from the world. For four years the community have not seen electricity, no pipe borne water, no mobile network except for Airtel which is not constant and no internet services.

Since i was going to spend the weekend in the community, i thought of something to do, but being unfamiliar with the place i didn’t know where to begin from. After a great deal of thought i decided to take a stroll, i went along with my camera in case i see anything i caught my attention.

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while taking a stole i sought the help of a local boy papa who told me he was on an errand but instead of leaving me he ask his friend Oyong to take me around the community, Oyong initially refused but after a little Persuasion from his friend he accepted to go only if papa will but eventually he decided to take be.

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Oyong decided to take me around the forests and cocoa plantation, first, we went to Wannwull, one of the streams where they go for swimming while he told me a little about his community, the community, even though small are very mighty. while we exploring the wild we came across a water he said have never produced a fish in the history of the community and because of that people hardly visit the water.


we also visited another water which was their main source of drinking water. The water known as Ebibe is the most visited, divided by mini trees into three parts, the uppers section chamber is where they fetch their drinking water, the middle is where they wash, swim, and bath but its only visited by men both small, young and old while the last is for women so men are not allowed to visit or look towards that direction.

As we headed back to the village he told me about a forest with rock formations, although he told me people don’t visit there not because it is forbidden to do so but because they don’t have any reason to as they dont farm in the forest. After a little debate and persuasion he decided to take me there and truly the place is unaccessible but magnificent. A virgin forest with eye popping rock formation, couldn’t take a perfect picture of the place because if the trees but it was simply amazing. After exploring the place, we headed home, oyong told me there are still lot of places i can show me but they are too deep into the forest i he cant be able to take me to those places because of time. 

I haven’t seen the the last of Obubra-bassan because i will soon be back. after Oyong went home, i left for my own house and while i was on my way home i met three who was curious as why i was holding a camera and called me to come join them where they were having a drink, after a brief chat one of them who was from the next community of bassan invited me over to his own community for sightseeing. He offered to take me around but unfortunately i will be leaving the next day. But i will be back anyway, so that will be on my next trip.

Sunset in Obubra Bansan


13 thoughts on “Into The Wilds: Exploring The Town Of Obubra Bansan In Cross River State

  • Thank you, I really enjoyed reading this & love your pictures, makes me want to go there.. I love hiking, traveling & exploring new places 🙂

  • That’s so true..Cross River State is a nice place to be..i schooled there so this should not be argued..keep up.

  • Hmmm. The great adventurer. Would have loved to have a clear view of the rock formations though. Nice post.

  • Dalene Ekirapa

    It is so densely forested over there…you should be so happy with all the green going on. Forests always make such good views and you do love nature.

  • This looks like such an interesting adventure. We love getting outdoors and exploring. Sounds like a great trip to go on.

  • Annemarie LeBlanc

    I like your posts because you show us how beautiful your country is. The untapped, natural beauty of the places you explore are just fantastic!


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