Top Places of Interest in Bauchi State

Bauchi state is one of the states in the northern part of Nigeria that span two distinctive vegetation zones, namely, the Sudan savannah and the Sahel savannah. The Sudan savannah type of vegetation covers the southern part of the state. Here, the vegetation gets richer and richer towards the south, especially along water sources or rivers, but generally the vegetation is less uniform and grasses are shorter than what grows even farther south, that is, in the forest zone of the middle belt. Bauchi State occupies a total land area of 49,119 km2 (18,965 sq mi) representing about 5.3% of Nigeria’s total land mass. The state is bordered by seven states, Kano and Jigawa to the north, Taraba and Plateau to the south, Gombe and Yobe to the east and Kaduna to the west. Bauchi State is home to lots of tourist attractions ranging from Hills, game reserves, rock formations, lakes and springs etc.

Below are some of the top places of interest in the state

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1. Yankari Game Reserve

Located in bauchi state, north eastern Nigeria, Yankari game reserve is a large wildlife covering an area of about 2,244 square kilometres in south central part of of bauchi state. The reserve is home to animals such as Hippopotamus, wild ox, crocodiles, roan gazella, waterbucks, African bush elephant, olive baboon, patas monkey, Tantalus monkey, roan antelope, western hartebeest, lion, African buffalo, and leopard. Yankari Game Reserve has been described by the Lonely Planet Guide as holding “about the only remnant of wildlife left in Nigeria.

Top Places of Interest in Bauchi State

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2. Wikki Warm Springs

The Wiki Warm Springs which can be found in the Yankari National Park is one of the many attraction to visitors in Bauchi state.  The Wikki Warm Spring is the biggest of the four warm springs in Yankari, which have come about as a result of geothermal activity below the park.  It is located near the park lodge and is about 200m long and 10m wide, containing crystal-clear water at a temperature of around 31 degrees Celsius.

Top Places of Interest in Bauchi State

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3. Marshall Caves
The Marshall Cave is one of the most popular attractions in Bauchi State. The caves were discovered in the early part of the 20th century by a British historian known as P.J Marshall in 1980. Each cave has a length of 200 metres, depth of 10 metres, and width of 30 and 80 metres. The caves features rock paintings and engravings in various lines, presumably created by their initial inhabitants.
Top Places of Interest in Bauchi State
4. Tunga Dutse
Tunga Dutse is popular for the ancient engraving on the rocks, The writings are large and cover a huge area on the sandstone embankment. The meaning and age of the inscriptions are yet to be determined but they are one of the most significant wall writings to be found in Bauchi. While in Bauchi state, Tunga Dutse is one place to visit.
Top Places of Interest in Bauchi State

5. Gubi Lake

Gubi Lake is one of the most popular lake and tourist destination in Bauchi state, The lake attracts tourist from within and outside the state, The Gubi lake is perfect for outdoor fun activities and sports like Picnicking and sunset watching, hiking, Canoeing and others. Within the Gubi Lake is the Gubi lake hills which serves as a hiking destination and camping site.

Top Places of Interest in Bauchi State

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6. Mbula Hills

The Mbula hill is one on the many hills in Bauchi State, Located in Dass Local Government Area of Bauchi State. The Mbula hill Which is about 4100 feet high is one of the major tourist destination in Dass, the Mbula hill is an ideal destination for mountain climbers and hikers. When next you plan on exploring Bauchi, remember to put Dass in your list.

Top Places of Interest in Bauchi State

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