Amazing Health Benefits of Yogurt

Yogurt is considered a super food because it is packed with calcium, protein, and active ‘good’ bacteria which helps keep the gut healthy. It also helps in promoting weight loss, boosting metabolism, increasing immunity, preventing osteoporosis, and fighting anemia, and vaginal infections. Additionally, it also lowers cholesterol levels, strengthens teeth, and improves hair and skin health.

Yogurt is a dairy product prepared from the bacterial fermentation of milk. Lactobacillus, a helpful class of bacteria, ferments milk into yogurt and aids in the digestive process of the body. They also protect the gut from succumbing to infection by harmful bacteria. This kind of bacteria is also known as ‘yogurt culture’, probiotic, or ‘good’ bacteria, and it is good for overall health and wellness. Unprocessed yogurt has a creamy texture and sour taste.

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Here are some of the most prominent health benefits of this dairy product.

– Improves Digestion

– Protects Bone Health

– Prevents Vaginal Infections

– Weight Management

– Enhances Brain Function

– Treats Asthma

– Prevents Anemia

– Boosts Immunity

– Lowers Hypertension

– Lowers Cholesterol Levels

– Eliminates Bad Breath

– Skin & Hair Care

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Yogurt can be consumed in many ways. You could:

Dip it:
Use it as a dip for breadsticks, fruit kebab, or raw veggies.

Blend it:
Blend your favorite fruit with yogurt and enjoy a delicious smoothie. These smoothies make for a great post-workout recovery drink.

Freeze it:
Frozen yogurt serve as a healthy substitute for ice creams.

Spread it:
Spread it over a slice of bread and fill your tummy in minutes.

Add it:
To add a healthy twist to your salad, use it as a substitute for mayonnaise in the dressing. You can also make creative dips by adding herbs.

Layer it:
Layer dry or fresh fruits, cereals, and granola with yogurt. Your parfait is ready!

Or just have it:
Yes, you can enjoy plain yogurt, too!

Also See: How to prepare Nkwobi

How often do you eat yogurt?

Source: Amabel Essang

9 thoughts on “Amazing Health Benefits of Yogurt

  • Excellent information. I’m trying to include more yogurt into my diet, but as I have a phobia of dairy it can be hard. Thank you so much for sharing.

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