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Chasing waterfalls in Nigeria is actually an extreme sport, for 90% of the waterfalls are located in difficult terrains, making it challenging for tourists to easily visit and explore.
The Gurara waterfalls in Niger State is the most easily accessible waterfall I have visited in Nigeria, you can drive all the way to the waterfall and the walk to the stream is not so difficult, so long as you can climb up and down the stairs made of about 50 stones.
Stay tuned for more insights on my trip to Gurara waterfalls.
So I want to share my story about some good hearted samaritans that made my visit to Gurara Waterfalls even more epic.
We all know how the slogan everywhere but North is to: “fear North?”, well this story conflicts that slogan:
Once upon a sunny day, our car broke down at the gate after exploring the lovely Gurara Waterfalls, 🎶”I was afraid, I was petrified, kept thinking I will never make it back to Abuja alive…”🎶 exaggerating. 😂 I was just tired and hungry plus we had other places to visit so time was of essence, can’t say same for my friend that took the “fear North” seriously, babe was freaking out.😅
As the good sky daddy will have it, the gatekeepers and literally everyone that came by, were all absolute delights and Angels. The gatekeepers gave us cards to play while they sent for a mechanic, they went to their farm to get us freshly cultivated corns, roasted and served us and went back to get more when they realised they unlocked a foodie (ME😋), a stranger passing by stopped to give us his car battery without any persuasion. We were unhappy about the car situation but it was a blessing in disguise, it made my visit remarkable and truly unforgettable.
Truth is, evil can be found anywhere and so is good, there is good in everyone, seek out the good and focus more on it. Travelling has taught me to never judge anyone because of the reputation of their place of origin.
Stop the stereotypes, free your mind of all fears and explore the world. Besides, death is inevitable.
Written by: Amarachi
You can follow Amara on instagram by clicking on the link. Amarachi
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