Ugbo, The Hill Town and The Beauty Within

This post was inspired by a blog post i read sometime last year ‘2017’ i can’t remember the author of the post but it was talking about the need to embrace our local tourism. The author shared how he took his family for sightseeing in his community instead of going on a vacation to a well know tourist site. even though he acknowledge the need to go on vacation in other place to experience other culture, see the world and enjoy the wonders of nature and creation.

Although i am a lover of tourism and i have virtual toured every nook and cranny of my town but i have never seen the need to write and show the world what my community has to offer in term of tourism, so i have decided to make a series of posts about this beautiful town of mine but in this first edition i am just going to profile the town. Below are few information about the Hill town of ugbo


Formerly know as ”Ogulugu” or ”Ogulugu Ugbo”, Ugbo is one of the few aborigines east of the River Niger, south eastern Nigeria. Known for its natural habitat, which includes serene hills, caves, large rocks and stones, rivers, forests, wild animals, and fertile lands. Based on oral history, Ugbo is the ancestral home to many towns in Igboland. Ogulugu as it was formerly know as (now Ugbo) is the oldest son of Ewa, the original progenitor of communities, such as Obeagu, Amoli, Agbudu, Isu-Awaa (Ewa), Ituku, and Ogbaku. The Ewa (Awaa) kindred, together with Ntuegbe, make up what is known as Mbanabor clan in Awgu LGA of Enugu State. Ugbo is located in northwest part of Awgu Local Government Area of Enugu State. Based on 2006 census, the population of the town is projected to be about 32,000. Ugbo is made up of three large villages, namely, Ugbo-Okpala, Ugbonabor, and Ngene Ugbo. The town occupies a vast area of land bounded by other communities, such as Obeagu to the southwest, Achi to the west, Amoli to the northwest, Owelli to the north, Ogugu to the east, and Mmaku to the south.

Ugbo celebrates Native as well as Christian festivals. Prominent native feasts include Iriji ohu (new yam festival) which is observed yearly; the famous Aju (Iwa ekwa-age grade celebration) which comes every three years in the month of August; and Olili Anu Ogulugu, which is also commemorated at three-year intervals. It is worthy of note that the Olili Anu Ogulugu has lost steam in recent years due to the growing popularity of Christian religion in the town. The common Christian celebrations are the Christmas and Easter, marked every year for the birth of Jesus Christ and his ascension to heaven, respectively

Top Five towns in Awgu LGA with amazing hills, ideal for hiking, camping and picnic 

The Primary source of water in Ugbo is the famous Oji-River, which originates at Ishi Oji in Agu Ewa in Ugbo. The river traverses through the entire town before flowing to the neighboring communities. Ugbo witnessed modern developments in water resources through the construction of Ugbo Dams and Water projects.

Ugbo, The Hill Town and The Beauty Within

Ugbo also boasts of two major roads: the 5 km Ugbo-Achi and 4 km Ugbo-Mmaku roads. These roads saw wide-scale construction activities during the Jonathan administration, although the road hasn’t been completed but a greater portion of the road has been constructed especially at ugbo section.

Ugbo, The Hill Town and The Beauty Within

Exploring Awgu: Things to know About Awgu Local Government Area

Ugbo has a diversified economic base. The town is blessed with highly qualified manpower as evidenced by individual successes in the fields of agriculture, education, politics, trade and industry. Ugbo is also endowed with abundant but untapped natural resources, including stones, clay, iron, fertile land, and traces of coal and gas deposits. The agricultural mainstay of the town is cocoyam and cassava cultivation while palm oil and oha are also the main source of revenue in the community. The Ugbo cocoyam (Ede ndi Ugbo) is the choice of buyers who travel from all parts of Southern Nigeria to the central market, Nkwo Ugbo where sellers from the three main villages converge after four market days.

Well, this is all for now, as time goes by i will be sharing more information about the town, places to visit in the town and things to do and the need to visit hill town.

46 thoughts on “Ugbo, The Hill Town and The Beauty Within

  • what a beautiful, rustic place! I am charmed by the simplicity of it all, and yet, the beauty too!

    • Chioma Chukwuma

      Truly beautiful, a place to go if you want to be close to nature.

  • Interesting blog filled with great information. I have never heard of Ugbo.

  • Neil Alvin Nicerio

    Such beautiful view. I bet it is very cold there at night. Will add this to my bucketlist. 🙂

    • oyibougbo

      It is more than cold, especially during harmattan.. we hardly come out in the morning and evening during that period.

    • Chioma Chukwuma

      It is cold at night due to the hills and because of the trees, it is a beautiful site to behold.
      If you love camping, it is a place to visit.

  • you are lucky that you stay in such a beautiful place. Your concept of promoting your hometown to the world is really appreciated. thank you.

  • Great article! Thanks for promoting naija!

  • Very interesting information. Your town not only has an unique history but also has a lot of resources. Not only that but is pretty as well.

  • What a wonderful place to live! You are right, we need to enjoy the beauty of our surroundings, and support the local economy by vacationing close to home from time to time.

  • What beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing photos of your town. It looks like an amazing place.

  • I love that your government is urging the people to go and explore their local places more. Ugbo sounds like the place to be when you’re looking for some quiet/down time. It’s peaceful and relaxing.

  • This sounds like a lovely place to visit. So much greenery. It looks like a wonderful place to explore.

    Ami xxx

  • Se manifique moments captured. Great views and vibes. looks like a quaint lil place for relaxing

  • Wow, I am Nigerian and I never heard of this town. Thanks for educating me. Great post!

  • Sounds like an interesting history of where you live. I love learning about all the local festivals. I hope to learn a lot more about you and your hometown in the near future.

  • How beautiful place Ugbo hill town is! Indeed we need to support the locals and yes I love the fact that they celebrate local as well as global festivals!

  • What a beautiful place! I loved reading these interesting facts about Ugbo and it would be great if I could visit this place someday.

  • Ann Snook-Moreau

    This looks like such a quiet place to visit. Amazing photos and fun suggestions!

  • I would love to visit this town sounds very interesting and I love when towns and locals come together and support one another in such a way.

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  • Pingback: Ugbo Aju Festival - Ou Travel and Tour

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