A Guide To Hiking In Enugu, Where To Go

Enugu (Top of the Hill) is blessed with a lot of beautiful, natural landscapes, making it the perfect place to explore and hike around. Whether under a cool shelter of trees in the forest or on the golden hillsides, a wide variety of nature trails provide locations for leisurely strolls or strenuous mountain climbs. what makes hiking in Enugu different? Well, most hiking sites in Enugu and Nigeria don’t have trails marked out or hiking directions. So, to hike, one must always have a tour guide or a local to show then around

Milliken Hill, Enugu

A Guide To Hiking In Enugu

Milliken Hill is a famous tourist attraction in the beautiful city of Enugu, Enugu State. The height of the hills above sea level is about 300m and at the foot of the hill is the first road that leads into the city of Enugu. Beneath the hills are tunnels, coal mines as well as the Iva valley. The Milken Hill can be found within Ngwo axis of Enugu North Local Government Area. The Milliken hill is the most popular and visited hill in Enugu, the hill is ideal for mountaineering and top choice for group and individual activities such as hiking, camping and more.

Udi hills Enugu

A Guide To Hiking In Enugu

Udi hill is also referred to as the Ugwueme and Udi hills. These hills are known to rise hundreds of metres above sea level. In 1915, Udi hill was the site of the first coal mine to be opened in Nigeria. Today, the tunnels beneath the hills where coals were mined are now tourist attractions, playing hosts to visitors from all over the world. So if you’ll love to see what a coal mine looks like, then Enugu is the way to go. Either you are climbing the hill or exploring the mine tunnels, the Udi experience is such a beautiful one you are not likely to forget in a hurry.

Top Five towns in Awgu LGA with amazing hills, ideal for hiking, camping and picnic 

Awgu hills

A Guide To Hiking In Enugu

Awgu hills, also known as Awgu range of hills is located in awgu local government of  Enugu State. The hills have steep slopes and could attain an altitude of about 350–400 meters above sea level with mean slope angle of 15o and a modal class of 11o. Awgu range of hill has always been a top choice for so many adventure activities. individuals and groups visites the hills for one adventure activities or the other.

Omeje Hills, Enugu

A Guide To Hiking In Enugu

Omeje Hills is located in nsukka part of enugu state, The Nsukka Plateau, which forms the main eastward-facing escarpment, extends about 80 miles (130 km) from Nsukka in the north to Enugu in the south. omeje hills has proved adventure lover with one of the most beautiful adventure hiking site as the hill has been a top choice location for adventure lover.

Top Five Ideal Place For Picnic in Enugu

Idaw River Hill

A Guide To Hiking In Enugu

Idaw river hill, a hill located in Idaw river, Enugu south of Enugu state. Idaw river hill is one of the numerous hill in Enugu state, although not the most popular of all the hills in the state, Idaw river has become one of the most popular choice location for group and individual who wants to go for picnic, hiking or just a place for relaxation.

Onyeama Hill

A Guide To Hiking In Enugu

The Onyeama Hill (Ugwu Onyeama) which is located in-between Ngwo 9th Miles and Enugu metropolis is a well known hill in Enugu but not for its beautiful landmark. Onyeama hill is one of the most popular hill in Enugu but has always been in the wrong site of news because of the hill rate of accident around the hill area through the Enugu-onitsha highway. But hill adventure lover, Onyeama hill is a great and ideal hiking site.

Popular lakes in Enugu State

Akwuke Hill

A Guide To Hiking In Enugu


Akwuke hills is located within the akwuke beach environment, in Akwuke town, Enugu state. Akwuke is popularly known for its sand beach and amazing hills within the environment and has always been the most popular choice location for nollywood adventure movies because it its landmark. Akwuke Hills provides a great place for lovers of nature to relax and enjoy the atmosphere, it is also a suitable site for camping and picnicking with friends and family. A great site to enjoy the endowments of nature, People also use the Hill as a means of carrying out fitness activities such as hiking

U8 hill

A Guide To Hiking In Enugu

U8, Also referred to as Ekweaju is one of the hill in the town of mmkau, in Awgu local government area. ugwu u8 as it is mostly called is one of the most popular hills in Awgu if not the most popular, the hill serves as a picnic site, mountain for prayer groups, etc, U8 hill also host the the popular gulder adventure show, Gulder ultimate search in 2008 tagged the ”lost chronicle” u8 hill is an ideal hiking site.

Ofesi hill

Top Five towns in Awgu LGA with amazing hills, ideal for hiking, camping and picnic 

Ofesi hill, is located in the hill town of ugbo in Awgu local government area.. For adventure lover who want to experience what it feels like to hike the hills and jungles of ugbo. Ugbo wild life environment and ofesi hill will provide you with the most adventure hiking experience.


47 thoughts on “A Guide To Hiking In Enugu, Where To Go

  • Ofesi hills would be my go to. It seems challenging to hike yet beautiful as you go along! This was great information to share with all

  • I hadn’t previously come across hiking in Nigeria, so loved the information in this post. Udi Hill looks so beautiful draped in the clouds, would definitely pick that.

  • Kemi

    The Coal City! I hope the governor is not keen on bringing back coal but wow, I grew up hearing of Enugu hills and its beauty and I wanna climb these hills one day. Enugu and Nigeria as a whole needs to develop its tourism sector because this is just beautiful!

  • The Udi hill would be my choice. Both climbing up and through the coal tunnels. That would make a great hiking experience.

  • Such beautiful and green places to go hiking. Not familiar with hiking in Nigeria, so this is great information.

  • I love the sound of hiking in Enugu. I have never thought of doing that before. I bet it would be a great experience.

  • Nigeria has never been somewhere I’ve given much thought to but it looks absolutely stunning! A visit to Udi Hills would definitely be something to remember. Thanks for sharing!


  • Enugu is really beautiful! I never knew about this place until reading this!

  • Ann F. Snook-Moreau

    Wow, the views from all of those spots are amazing! A picnic would be nice but I don’t know if I’d want to lug all of that stuff on a hike haha.

  • Amazing places! I have not been to Nigeria but it seems I should out it on my bucket list )) Which is the best season for hiking there?

  • I am absolutely floored by how stunning these pictures are. It’s amazing the gorgeous sights that different countries have to offer.

  • My choice will be Udi hills. The view looks amazing. But of course, I would love to hike up the other hills too.

  • Elizabeth O

    Awesome view. Such a beautiful place and it would be great and enjoyable experience to visit there.

  • This area is so beautiful: the hills, the lush green plants, the happier-looking people! Would love to have the chance to hike Enugu! Thank you for taking me on this trip! Will be sharing this to my Happier Place Pinterest!
    xx Luci

  • Marjie Mare

    Those pictures are breathtaking. I can’t believe such beautiful place exists and I did not about it.

  • Marjie Mare

    Those pictures are breathtaking. I can’t believe such beautiful place exists and I did not about it. Thanks for sharing and making me live your experience

  • Idwah River Hill looks incredible, almost as if you’re on top of the world. Looks like you had an amazing time! Thank you for sharing.

  • Idwah River Hill looks incredible, almost as if you’re on top of the world. Looks like you had a great time! Thank you for sharing!

  • What a gorgeous hike. I would love to do this one day. Your photos are so amazing.

  • They look great hills to climb and walk. Well documented post and full of great travel info!

  • An incredible place where you can immerse yourself in the beauty of nature and find true and strong contact with it.
    Nigeria a place to stay, don’t run away.

  • These are absolutely gorgeous, and a great idea for my upcoming trip to Nigeria later this year. I live in nearby Rwanda, and am always looking for new adventures. Especially the Udi hills, I would love to explore there!

  • What an amazing looking place to go and explore! It seems like there is so really beautiful looking locations to spend some time hiking.

  • I’ve never thought of going to Nigeria before but this looks absolutely stunning. Thanks for opening my eyes!

  • Elicit Folio

    I would love to hike some of these! Thanks for providing tips on altitude and such. That makes a big difference on the hiking experience!

  • I love spending my free time close to the nature. The places you described here look just wonderful for a hiking trip out of your hometown. I’d love to go there one day! 🙂

  • Wow, it looks so beautiful there. I would definitely love to visit and take a walk through here.

  • Looks like a beautiful and diverse place to visit! Add it to my ever-growing bucket list of places to travel!

  • Wow! What an amazing view. I miss hiking! Is this trail recommended for beginners or regular hikers?

  • Hiking in Enugu sounds like a promising experience as I enjoy a good hike as it is refreshing. A visit to the coal mines also sounds intriguing.

  • Alexandra Cook

    Wow, what a beautiful place to go hiking. I would love to visit here one day!

  • It does look like such a beautiful place to go on a hike. I love visiting places like this and just going out into nature and experiencing it. This would be so great.

  • Pingback: Okpara Square, Enugu - Outravelandtour

  • Oy my gosh! Enugu is breathtaking. I will need to practice in order to hike longer and reach a higher place like this.

  • Waren Jean Go

    Wow! I didn’t know Enugu is this beautiful. I like to be around nature because it makes me in touch with what is real.

  • Pingback: Milliken Hill Enugu - Outravelandtour

  • Pingback: Enjoying The Beauty Of Nature, The Akwuke Adventure - Outravelandtour

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