Best Premier hotel


Located on No 8 Hombari Street Wuse 2, is Best Premier Hotel. It caught our attention each time we stopped by Arttech District and we finally checked it out.

We took a tour of their rooms and learnt that the rates go for as low as N70,000. The rooms are inclusive of breakfast. They are also currently on a 50% discount too. We’re not sure why or for how long, but this was what we were informed when we stopped by. The hotel also has a pool, this is currently under renovation.

Our favorite part of the hotel had to be the restaurant. There was something about the decor of the space which we quite liked..

Swipe for the room rates for booking numbers and details.

The location of the hotel is very ideal. It’s right across Arttech District (there’s a lot of cool spots in this location)

Review By: Abuja Lifestyle


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