Enugu Hike and Hangout With Hikers Trail at Ngwo Pine Forest

Few Saturdays ago, I went on an impromptu hike with hikers trails and tour to Ngwo Pine Forest, cave and Waterfall. Although am supposed to have published most of my recent activities but i have been very busy lately, coupled with other things i have at hand. A day before i left Enugu i told myself that i was just going to relax at home and do nothing, You know, just cool off from all the movement i have made. Within the 11 days i spent in the East, I visited Awgu, I Explored The Awhum Cave And Waterfall in Udi, I Explored The Town Of Mkpologwu In Uzo Uwani, Visited The Ozzi lake In Opi Nsukka, Visited The War Museum in UmuAhia and also made a Trip To Aba in Abia State. Although Saturdays are the most fun and engaging days of the week for me but i just didn’t plan anything for that day.

Also See: Enjoying The Beauty Of Nature, The Akwuke Adventure

I woke up about 4:15am, and decided to go for Saturday morning workout at Okpara square, my legs doesn’t really stay one place and i don’t know where it might take me to so i went along with my bag, camera, diary and some other things just in case. While at Okpara square i kept wondering where to go or what to do after the workout, then i remembered seeing a tweet about a hike being organised by hikers trail so i started considering joining them. Although i never went on a hike with them before, but they are one of the most active outdoor adventure group in Nigeria, as per my rating they are the second most active in Enugu after the movement group in 2019 but they are currently the most active now.

Also Read: Abuja Hike and Hangout with TooGood Adventure Group

I know i said i wast going to go anywhere that day but i don’t know how i was going to stay at home knowing fully well that there are some people who are somewhere enjoying the beauty of nature while i stay at home doing nothing. After the workout, i gave  the organisers a call to know if they have left but fortunately they haven’t, so i told then i will be joining, when i got to them they were already set to leave as their bus was already filled up. While waiting for them to make arrangement for the vehicle that will convey some of us that came late i saw a brother, i was surprised because i don’t know him to be an outdoor adventure person, he is a lover of tourism but hiking was never his thing. Anyway, there is always a first time for everything and that was his first time, after exchanging some pleasantries and a little catching up he asked me to ride with his friend since people are already seated in his car.

Also See: Waterfalls in Nigeria and their Location

We drove through the milliken Hill road but due to the nature of the road the rest of the group who were in the bus went through the express road. On getting to Ngwo Pine forest, we had to wait for other to come. The forest was breathtaking, far much better and bigger than i imagined although i have my reservation. As charming as that forest is, its not being taken care off as it should, some of the forest trees are being cut down an the entrance is unkept. While we were waiting for the rest of the group, i took a walk around the forest, took few shots and joined the ones present in a conversation.

Also Read: An Epic Wanderlust Hike Adventure With Hikers Trail

When the rest of the group arrived, we were briefed and after which we headed down to the cave and waterfall. Among all the major tourist attractions in Enugu, The Ngwo Pine forest, Cave and waterfall are the only place i have never visited even though i have planned to explore there three times but never did.

Also Read: Enugu Geo Walk: First Enugu Local Guide Meet-Up

Anyway, while we headed down to the waterfall, i tried to capture everybody that took part in the hike. This wasn’t like my usual hike so i didn’t take much cognizance of the environment but it was charming just like must places in Enugu with its hill and valley. While heading down to the waterfall i noticed that the eastern section of the pine forest doesn’t receive much visitor as such still has most of its trees intact. I was so drawn to the forest that i wanted to leave the group and explore the forest more but on a second thought, i convinced myself to just stick with the group.

When we finally made it to the waterfall, i wasn’t too excited, it wasn’t as if the cave and waterfall wasn’t beautiful, sure it was magnificent but i didn’t get the inner joy i usually get when i reach my destination. No; the feeling wasn’t really there but i think that’s because it was what i imagined, if that makes sense. I was expecting it to be better than i imagined it to be but it wasn’t, so even though i wasn’t disappointed i also wasn’t thrilled either, or maybe i wasn’t really feeling the whole thing because i wasn’t in touch with my inner adventure spirit.

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While others posed for pictures, and immersed themselves in the fall, i tried to capture the moments, made a short video and took few pictures. when we were done enjoying the attractions, others left but i decided to explore the environment more. Just before the main cave where the waterfall is located is another cave with some small chambers but there wasn’t a way to climb up and see what it looks like. While looking for a way to go up a saw a rope and had to climb up through it, the chamber there were too dark so i didn’t even bother to see how far in it was although they seemed wide enough to enter me but i had to crawl in if i had wanted to explore it but i could’t because it was completely dark and that place could be a hideout for big snakes.. Well, the uncertainty have never deterred me from exploring anything or any place but something was really off about me that day, seemed like i left part of me at home.

Also Read: Down The Valley: Exploring Ogba Ngwu Forest

While still at the cave, one of the organisers Felix came back to check if there are still people at the waterfall, he met me and one other person and asked us to come and join the rest at the pine forest. While going up to the pine forest Felix started talking about how charming the eastern section of the forest is and how he would have loved to explore it if not that the rest of the group were waiting for us.. I didn’t know what they planned to do at the forest but with the way i was feeling, staying in one place isn’t going to make me feel any better so i left Felix to explore the other sections of the forest. while at the forest, i got the felling i didn’t get while at the waterfall.

Also See: Top 10 Nigeria Hiking and Outdoor Adventure Group

The forest was magical, it just seemed as if the forest was whispering something to me, as i stood there for a while completely lost in its charm, i thought of what that whole environment would have looked like if the forest was extended down to the waterfall, but it doesn’t seem like that is ever going to be possible. The people in charge of the forest are not even maintaining the one they have already not to talk of planting more. To be frank i didn’t want to leave but at a point i had to join the other but not after taking few pictures and making a short video of that section of the forest, i wanted to head down to see the end but it was really very far.

When i joined the other at the upper section of the forest, they where already grouping themselves for some games.

Also Read: My Visit To The National Museum Of Unity Enugu

I am more of a spectator than a participant so i declined in all the games.. After grouping themselves the games started which kept everybody engaged till evening. At the end, it was really fun.. more fun than i imagined but most importantly i had a nice day, i left Enugu with good memories..

Watch the highlight below. 

36 thoughts on “Enugu Hike and Hangout With Hikers Trail at Ngwo Pine Forest

  • It sounds you have a great time on your hangout! I love the place perfect for the adventure trip! Awesome photos!

    • Elizabeth O

      I really enjoyed your post because I am familiar with several of the locations you mentioned. We lived in Enugu for a while. It’s so good to see that people now take trips yo many of those beautiful locations.

  • sambo

    There are a lot of people joining your hike, eh. Nice and interesting on foot hike, i’m sure. by the way, what camera do you use to capture these interesting hike?

  • This experience is too good to pass. Glad you changed your mind and join them. Though you did not join much of the activities, I am happy to know that you left Enugu with good memories.

  • What a fun hike with so many friends! And I have to agree with you that the forest seemed more intriguing than the waterfall for this trip. It’s still all beautiful though!

  • I really enjoyed reading this. I’m Nigerian. But left as a small child. It’s beautiful to see images like these. This is all places I’ve never been to before keep up the great work!

  • That’s truly wonderful to find such an amazing group of people to hike with! Pine forests are so magnificent, I bet it was a wonderful spot to experience the vicinity of Mother Nature. 🙂

  • What a great place to visit! You all seemed to have a wonderful time together. I love hiking. It just makes me feel so at peace.

  • The tour looks amazing. Everyone is smiling and enjoying themselves (that’s a good sign). I would enjoy that waterfall!

  • It looks like you had such a great time! The place is perfect for the activities and the photos are amazing! Awesome post! – Paolo

  • This looks like an amazing hike and such a good time with so many people! Thank you for sharing, it looks so wonderful!

  • Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    You always have the best hikes and with so many friends too! It must be fun to engage in that activity. Wish we could still do that but these old knees might not cooperate. Haha.

  • Love it, Kingsley! So love to see your hikes within Naija as there is so, so much natural beauty unappreciated. Still cannot believe Naija doesn’t care for and promote natural resources for domestic and international tourism. See a place that I eagerly seek abroad but I cannot do in Naija because of no knowledge or security reasons. Smh. Is there a way you and your group could come together to alert the state govt to care for these sites and NOT cut the pines for firewood?

  • Wow, that was a big hiking group. I think the largest hike I have ever joined had 20 people on it. Your hike looked like many more.

    It was interesting for me to see how very different the forest in Nigeria to those that we have here in Canada. Thanks for sharing.

  • Khushboo

    Looks like you guys had fun there. All the clicks are amazing. I like going to trips like this too.

  • This looks like it was such a fun day. I always love visiting waterfalls, especially when you can jump in them!

  • Melanie

    We love the great outdoors nothing beats a hike and fresh air. Looks like you had a fab time

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  • emovcjep

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