Top Five Communities To Explore In Enugu State

Enugu state is one of the top tourist destinations in Nigeria. Located in the South Eastern part of the country, Enugu State has the highest number of Waterfalls and Caves in Nigeria, the state is also home to lakes and forest reserves. Enugu which means ”Hill Top” has one of the most amazing and breathtaking landscape in the country. Below are someone of the communities with the most popular and the highest number of attractions in the state.

Also See: Most Visited Tourist Sites In Each State Of The South East

Also See: Top Ten Most Popular Lakes in South Eastern Nigeria

1. Awhum

Awhum is one of the most popular destinations in Enugu State, Located about 24 kilometers from Enugu the state capital. The town of Awhum is bounded in the north by Okpatu, in the east by Nike, in the south by Ukana and in the west by Egede communities. The Community of Awhum is a top pilgrimage destinations in Nigeria due to the monastery located in the community. Among the Attractions in Awhum Community, is the Awhum Cave And Waterfall, the evergreen vegetation is a unique scenic attraction of its own. The waterfall is surrounded by a breathtaking landscape and harbours varieties of biological species like wild animals and birds of different species.

The monastery on the other hand is sacred because of its religious implications. It houses a number of pilgrims from different parts of the country annually. Three kilometers before the waterfall is Awhum cave (Ogba) with an entrance of 3.2m high and 2.2m wide. The Awhum Waterfalls is one of the most majestic and magical place in Nigeria and a wonderful place to visit.

Top Five Communities To Explore In Enugu State

Also Read: A Trip To The Majestic Awhum Cave And Waterfall Enugu

Also See: Popular lakes in Enugu State

2. Mmaku

Mmaku, A haven for adventure seekers. Mmaku is a community located on top of Awgu Range of Hills in the southern part of Awgu local government area of Enugu State. Mmaku is bounded by Ugbo, Obeagu, Mgbowo, Awgu, Mgbidi Ogugu and Achi. Mmaku is marked by extensive hills. These hills have steep slopes and could attain an altitude of about 350–400 meters above sea level with mean slope angle of 15o and a modal class of 11o. The area is marked by sandstones and escarpment. Mmaku formation is composed of bluish and gray, well-bedded shales which are occasionally intercalated with calcareous sandstones and shelly limestone. Among all the communities in Enugu state with tourist attractions, Mmaku has the highest number but yet still the least popular among them. Mmaku is home to about 6 waterfalls, 4 caves, a spring, forests and rock formations, but among all those attractions, the amazing landscape of the community makes it stand out among others. These attractions has attracted, individual, groups and cooperate organisations to the community. The community as played host to the famous Nigeria Adventure show in 2009, Gulder ultimate search, the only one that was hosted in Enugu State. some of The many Attractions in Mmaku includes: The Famous U8 Hill and Isi Mmamu, Nwaekpu Forest Located in Nwaekpu Valley, This forest is home to three waterfalls, a natural pool, Mini caves, Rock formations and a natural Stone Bridge. Other attractions includes. The Famous Omoo Spring, forest and rock formations. The Afam Waterfall, Know as Obialu Ohuu, Ogba Ngalagu Cave And Waterfall, Ogba Nwaude Nwaorji and many others.

Also Read: My Visit To The Beautiful Town of Mmaku

Also See: Top Five Ideal Place For Picnic in Enugu

3. Obinofia Ndiuno

Obinofia Ndiuno is one of the most popular tourist destination in Enugu State, Located in Ezeagu Local Government Area, the community is about a half-hour drive from the capital city of Enugu. For Years, the Obinofia Ndiuno Community has been made popular due to its numerous tourist attractions. The community is blessed with one most magnificent cave in Enugu State, refereed to as Ezeagu cave. The cave is three kilometres long and the beauty lies in the fast flowing stream from rocks around the cave, warm at some points and at other times, cold. The fine sand of the stream massages your feet while the warm and cold stream gives you some kind of sensation that is more experienced than being explained. The cave is made of several tunnels branching out in different directions and often opening up into large chambers, which can be up to two to three metres high and ten metres wide in some places. Aside the Cave, the community is also home to one of the most popular and most beautiful lake in Enugu State, the Iheneke Lake. Iheneke Lake is a fresh water lake covering an area of about, and it is surrounded mainly by bamboo tress and other flora species. The lake is usually cold in the afternoon and slightly warm in the morning and evening respectively. It is about 6.9 meters deep and this enables boat activities and comfortable swimming. Among all the attractions in Obinofia Ndiuno, the most popular and the most visited is the Ezeagu Waterfall known as ”Ogbagada” with the warm and cold Spring Know as Okpoku. The Ezeagu water rushes down the cliff with thunderous sound that attracts attention. One great phenomenon about Ogbagada is its associated ability to signal the beginning of hammatan through an unusual loud noise from the falls. Both Ogbagada waterfall and Okpoku warm and cold spring are popular picnic arena for fun lovers. Obinofia Ndiuno community is a place for those who are adventurous.

Top Five Communities To Explore In Enugu State

Also Read: The Movement: A Trip to Ezeagu Cave and Waterfall

Also See: 5 Most Magnificent Caves In Nigeria

4. Ngwo

Ngwo is a town located in the south-eastern state of Enugu. Ngwo is bounded to the north by Abor, to the south by Nsude, to the west by Eke, and to the east by Nike. The community prides itself as the only community in Nigeria located in two different local Government Area. One on the most unique thing about Ngwo is its breathtaking and charming Landscape, making it a top tourist and adventure destination in Enugu. One Of the Things that make Ngwo Standout among all the top Tourist Communities in Enugu is its Charming Pine forest, ”The Ngwo Pine Forest” and within the valley where the pine forest is located is the Ngwo Cave and Waterfall.

Ngwo is also home to some of the most popular hills in Enugu, Like the famous Milliken Hill, The Aron Hill, The Onyama Hill, The Iva Hill/Iva Valley and many others. The Milliken hill which is the most popular among all the hills in Ngwo and Enugu is about 100 meters above sea level, the hill offers a beautiful standpoint for a panoramic view of Enugu metropolis, at the foot of the hill is the first road that leads into the city of Enugu. Beneath the hills are tunnels, coal mines as well as the Iva valley. The Milliken hill is the most popular and one of the most visited hill in Enugu.

Top Five Communities To Explore In Enugu State

Also Read: Enugu Hike and Hangout With Hikers Trail at Ngwo Pine Forest

Also See: A Guide To Hiking In Enugu, Where To Go

5. Opi

Opi is a community in Nsukka, Enugu State of South Eastern Nigeria. Opi town is located 62 kilometers north of Enugu, the state capital, 21 kilometer south of Obollo Afor and about 10 kilometers southeast of Eha Alumona. Opi is a morjor tourist destination in Enugu as it is said to have the highest number of lakes in the state “The Opi Lake System” A chain of lakes that connects each other via the Uhuru Stream which is tributary to the lakes. As the lakes in the Opi, the community is also blessed with a mini can and a waterfall “The Opi Waterfall” Located in Ogbozalla Opi. Aside from the Lakes, waterfall, Caves and rock shelters in Opi, There are also numerous archaeological sites of ancient iron smelting and smithing in the community.

About Opi Lake System which is the major attraction in Opi; Opi Lakes has more than seven lakes connected to one another to form a network. It is usually called „Opi Lake System‟. The lakes are Eze-agu iyi, Ogelube, Uhere, Orufu, Ikpa, Nkpo and Ozzi (the largest among the lakes). Ozzi is located at Ugwu-ozioko and is about 9m deep and 7km wide. Its depth and width enables the smooth movement of locally made canoe from one end to another. Eze-agu iyi and Ogelube lakes are in close proximity with a separated distance of about 50m. Uhere River flows in between Eze-agu iyi and Ogelube lakes providing sand beach, crocodile and other aquatic species. The presence of these animals is supported by the thick vegetation around the lakes with an excellent breathtaking landscape. Ikpa Lake is located south of Eze-agu iyi and Ogelube lakes. It covers about 2km surrounded by a dense forest.

Also Read: My Journey To Opi Nsukka And Nkpolugwu

Also See: Waterfalls in Nigeria and their Location

27 thoughts on “Top Five Communities To Explore In Enugu State

  • Oh wow, everything is so green! I need to get to this area for sure.

    • Enugu looks and sounds like a wonderful place. I’ll have to take a look when I’m in Nigeria next year!

      • oyibougbo

        It Sure is.. We look forward to having you around.

  • Nicole

    Wow this sounds amazing I hope I can get to Nigeria one day!

  • Nicole

    Sound like an incredible trip!

  • Nicole

    Wow it looks beautiful!

  • Every site is magical. I would love to see these places in person. 🙂

  • OMG, this looks absolutely stunning. Thank you so much for giving me new travel inspiration!

  • LOVELY. I would love to check out these places someday. Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us!

  • Candy Rachelle

    Well it must be crazy that I’ve never heard of Enugu. Africa (yes, Nigeria) is on our Bucket List. Knowing which state of Nigeria to visit has been penciled under it. Thanks!

    Candy Rachelle
    Keeping Up With Candy

    • oyibougbo

      When ever you wish to visit Nigeria.. i can make a list of the most interesting and adventurous places to visit and explore in Nigeria.

  • I’m in love just from the photos. I can’t wait to visit myself!

  • Have always wanted to visit naija! A lot of my friends went this winter and I was jealous.

    • oyibougbo

      Maybe when next they are coming you should try and join them..

  • Reading about all these things is so fascinating to me! I’ve never heard of these places, not to mention the communities. I’d love to have a chance to explore them in the future! 🙂

  • I’ve never been to Enugu State but the place looks gorgeous!!! I would love to spend a couple of weeks discovering all the communities there.

  • I have never heard of Enugu before. It is so beautiful! Without your blog, I would never know about any of these places!

  • These all sound like lovely places to visit. Opi seems like it would be really pretty and a good place to check out.

  • Awhum has been on my bucket list for a long time! I think I might add a few places from the post to the bucket actually!

  • I love your pics, they are amazing. Enugu looks and sounds like a wonderful place to visit with so much greenery. I would love to adventure there.

  • Pingback: Top Most Ideal Places For Picnic in Enugu State - Ou Travel and Tour

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