Stories Lagos, Review


We took a trip to Storieslagos in Lekki for Mofifoluwa_ birthday dinner and we had mixed feelings on this trip. Loved the ambience and the staff were kind of friendly and nice but too damn slow. It took ages and ages to get the food to come. We even saw the manager screaming at a waiter right in front of us. Yikes, nawa

The food was kind of wishy washy. We started off with the seafood Alfredo which was so flat. Don’t know how this was made but the chef got the alchemy all wrong. Definitely a pass

Stories Lagos, Review

The stir fried special was a bit better but not by much really. Our best thing of the day was the strawberry daiquiri. Really loved that

All in all, it’s definitely a pass for us. It’s not the most expensive place but it’s not so easy on your pocket too and we feel you can get a better experience elsewhere. Ciao

📍: Storieslagos
Onijekuje Verdict: Not Worth a visit 😐

Stories Lagos, Review

Seafood Alfredo- 8500
Stories Stir Fried Special- 9500
Strawberry Daiquiri- not listed

Location: Lekki Phase 1, Lekki, Lagos

Stories Lagos, Review

Reviews By: Onijekuje


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