Kohinoor Lagos

Kohinoor Lagos is located at Ikate Lekki. It also has a lounge en-suite.
This is a restaurant I have found myself falling in love with and now I subconsciously use it as a yardstick for other restaurants in terms of food quality.

Kohinoor Restaurant Ikate Lekki, Lagos

I love the meals from the restaurant so much, the chef had me in a chokehold. I had to revisit 2 more times to see if it was just a thing of the moment (I dislike revisiting restaurants) but oh my, they kept bursting my brain. It’s like a hidden gem.

Kohinoor Restaurant Ikate Lekki, Lagos

The location and ambiance are not much of a fine dining tho, a place I will only recommend for casual dining, friends hangout, and the like, especially with the fact the location is mostly used for skits and movies.

On all accounts of my visits, they are either shooting a video or the other which makes customer service poor as the staff always seems busy even with very few guests on seats.

Kohinoor Restaurant Ikate Lekki, Lagos

I also think they have lots of delivery orders because it makes you wonder why it’s just a few guests seated and the waiters are moving so busy that it’s hard to get attention.

Let’s go back to the food because you guys need to understand how I enjoyed my meals; probably it’s been a while since I had good food in these Lagos restaurants scene 😭😩 The milkshake was very creamy and sweet, in fact, one of the biggest cups I have ever been served with.

Kohinoor Restaurant Ikate Lekki, Lagos

Kohinoor Restaurant Ikate Lekki, Lagos

Oh my, Alfredo pasta😩 it was so juicy that the cream was dripping, they were so generous with every ingredient. The jumbo grilled fish was so big for the price and tasty too. See all the meals were a hit back-to-back.

Kohinoor Restaurant Ikate Lekki, Lagos

Sincerely can’t wait to visit again to try out more meals on their menu.


What I had:
Pasta Alfredo 8000
Festival seafood rice 7000
Chicken wings 4500
Virgin colada 3520
Vanilla milkshake 2750
Fried rice 2000
(Had to take away some) 350

Kohinoor Restaurant Ikate Lekki, Lagos

Kohinoor Restaurant Ikate Lekki, Lagos

Written By: Faithreviews


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